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They deprecate the making of agreements with employers, and acknowledge no duty in the keeping of agreements. The year 1911 will be remembered among word-historians as the year when the word "syndicalism" became an everyday English word. It had its origin in the French word "syndicalisme," which is French for trade unionism, just as French and Belgian trade unions are "syndicats."

Paul Louis, "Le Syndicalisme contre l'État," pp. 4-7. Paul Louis, "Le Syndicalisme contre l'État," p. 244. Karl Kautsky, "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," pp. 136 and 137. Nearly all strikes are more or less justified in Socialist eyes. But those that involve neither a large proportion of the working class nor any broad social or political question are held to be of secondary importance.

"Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, pp. 131-134. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, pp. 131-134. "Le Syndicalisme contre L'État," pp. 223-235, 239-242. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," p. 114. After describing the Utopian Socialism of Fourier, of Saint-Simon and of Owen, the "Manifesto" says:

What is practically the Syndicalist program was advocated by a French delegate to the Congress of the International at Bale in that same year. And also in Italy. A good, short account of the Italian movement is given by A. Lanzillo, ``Le Mouvement Ouvrier en Italie, Bibliotheque du Mouvement Proletarien. See also Paul Louis, ``Le Syndicalisme Europeen, chap. vi.

But because for reasons that cannot be gone into here so many of the French trade unionists profess this peculiarly revolutionary philosophy, there has grown up out of and around the word "syndicalisme" a whole literature with writers like George Sorel and Gustave Hervé as the prophets and exponents of the new movement.