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This argument, also, that the unskilled have a better strategic position than the skilled on account of their solidarity and unity is surely a doubtful one. Bernard Shaw's series in the New Age . Karl Kautsky, the New York Call, Nov. 14, 1909. Karl Kautsky, "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," pp. 124, 125, 138. Émile Vandervelde, "Le Socialisme Agraire," p. 236.

Only in proportion as Socialists can differentiate themselves from non-Socialists in their present activities will the movement have any distinctive meaning of its own. Rappaport, "Der Kongress von Nimes," Die Neue Zeit, 1910, p. 821. Die Neue Zeit, Oct. 27, 1911. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, p. 121. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, pp. 132-133.

The agricultural laborers they claim as their own to-day; the conditions I have reviewed lead them to hope also for a slow but steady progress among the smaller farmers. Karl Kautsky, "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, pp. 126-128. Quotations from Kautsky following in this chapter are taken chiefly from his "Agrarfrage." Émile Vandervelde, "Le Socialisme Agraire."

"Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, pp. 131-134. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," edition of 1911, pp. 131-134. "Le Syndicalisme contre L'État," pp. 223-235, 239-242. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," p. 114. After describing the Utopian Socialism of Fourier, of Saint-Simon and of Owen, the "Manifesto" says:

Paul Louis, "Le Syndicalisme contre l'État," pp. 4-7. Paul Louis, "Le Syndicalisme contre l'État," p. 244. Karl Kautsky, "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," pp. 136 and 137. Nearly all strikes are more or less justified in Socialist eyes. But those that involve neither a large proportion of the working class nor any broad social or political question are held to be of secondary importance.

Kautsky, "Der Aufstand in Baden," in the Neue Zeit, 1910, p. 624. The Socialist Review, April, 1909. The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1911. The New York Call, Jan. 6 and 8, 1912. The New York Call, Jan. 9, 1912. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," 1911 edition, pp. 114-116. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," 1911 edition, pp. 14-15.