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The servant's head and shoulders stood out in dim relief against the darkness. "I've burnt me 'and somethin' 'orrid on this damn' 'ot chimney," he complained nervously. He succeeded in setting fire to the wick. The light showed him barefoot and shivering in shirt and trousers. He lifted a bemused red face to Amber, blinking and nursing his scorched hand. "For pity's syke, sir, w'at's 'appened?"

"The Paymaster!" cried the landlord, shutting the door of the room ere he said it, and uplifting farmed hands, "God's grace! do not talk of the Paymaster here! He is Captain Campbell, mind, late of his Majesty's 46th Foot, with a pension of £4 a week, and a great deal of money it is for the country to be paying to a gentleman who never saw of wars but skirmish with the Syke.

Hair tied up in a knot, and a spiritual sort of face. Don't you see it?" asked Mac, turning the graceful little figure toward her. "Not a bit of it. I wonder whom I shall resemble next! I've been compared to a Fra Angelico angel, Saint Agnes, and now 'Syke, as Annabel once called her."

"Explain what? To whom, you God-forsaken lunatic?" "Sh sh sh! To you. For Heaven's syke don't talk so loud. They'll hear you. You haven't got a train you want to catch, or an appointment, have you?" "I haven't got a train, but I have got an appointment." "You might spare a fellow five minutes, ten minutes, can't you? I shan't keep you more than ten at the outside.

'P'raps the gentleman who thinks they oughtn't to 'ave a vote, p'raps 'e don't know much about women. Wot? Oh, the gentleman says 'e's married. Well, then, fur the syke of 'is wife we mustn't be too sorry 'e's 'ere. No doubt she's s'ying, "'Eaven be prysed those women are mykin' a demonstrytion in Trafalgar Square, and I'll 'ave a little peace and quiet at 'ome for one Sunday in me life."

"Master Lewis," said Nelton, gravely, "there's lots of people besides you and the governor that thinks we serving-men says 'Yes, sir, thank you, sir, to any one for the syke of a guinea a week and keep. Now you and the stout party eating the toothpick over yonder knows better."

This is our Lasius niger, which carries seeds of Viola into its nests, and, as Wittmack has communicated recently to the Sitzungsberichte der gesellschaft naturforschender freunde zu Berlin, does the same with the seeds of Veronica hederaefolia. Syke states in his account of an Indian ant, Pheidole providens, that this species collects a great store of grass-seeds.

"'E ain't coddin'. See 'ow black they're lookin'." "I see 'em, plyne enough. Waxworks only fit for the Chamber of 'Orrors, ain't 'em?" "It's a young woman wot arsks you to go, not a bloke! Please! For my syke, if you won't for your own!" Billy Keyse, with a flourish, offered the thin, boyish arm in the tweed sleeve. "Righto! Will you allow me, Miss?" She faltered: "I I can't, deer.

Then coming farther down the hill towards Syracuse, he built another fort of a circular form and of considerable size at a place called Syke. From the latter point he commenced his line of circumvallation, one wall extending southwards from Syke to the Great Harbour, and the other wall running northwards to the outer sea.

From that yle men gon to another yle, where the folk ben of fulle cursed kynde: for thei norysschen grete dogges, and techen hem to strangle here frendes, whan thei ben syke: for thei wil noughte, that thei dyen of kyndely dethe: for thei seyn, that thei scholde suffren to gret peyne, zif thei abyden to dyen be hem self, as nature wolde: and whan thei ben thus enstrangled, thei eten here flesche, in stede of venysoun.