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"A work," trenchantly argues Major Sydenham Clarke, "designed on the principles of the Roman catacombs is suited only for the dead, in a literal or in a military sense. The vast system of subterranean chambers and passages is capable of entombing a brigade, but denies all necessary tactical freedom of action to a battalion."

The youngest of these, Charles Edward Poulett Thomson, destined to be the first governor of United Canada, and to be raised to the peerage under the title of Baron Sydenham, was born on the 13th of September, 1799, at the family seat in Surrey Waverley Abbey, above-mentioned.

"A perfectly lovely face, a striking figure oh, why should Captain Sydenham say our Honora was the loveliest girl he ever saw? and he saw them together you know " "Saw whom together?" said Arthur. "Why, Mrs. Endicott called on Honora at the hotel, you know." "Oh!"

But it was soon made clear to so astute a politician as Lord Sydenham that, whatever were his own views as to the meaning that should be attached to responsible government, he must yield as far as possible to the strong sentiment which prevailed in the country in favour of making the ministry dependent on the legislature for its continuance in office.

From one end of the province to the other meetings were held. With one antagonist after another Howe crossed swords, and was ever victorious. Lord Sydenham, the governor-general, who though resident in Canada had authority over all British North America, came down to Halifax to look into the matter. He had a long talk with Howe and each yielded to the charm of the other.

The air-ships stopped over Sydenham and ranged themselves in a circle with their guns pointing down upon the headquarters, and the Ariel, with Tremayne on board, descended to within twenty feet of the ground in front of the hotel.

"The White House at Hannonby the Belvidere, as the late people called it?" "What! is that flourishing establishment done up? But Hannonby is too far off ten miles at least." "Queen's Bridge Cottage?" "Ay, that sweet place would have suited exactly, but it's let. The Browns took it only yesterday." "Sydenham Court?" "That might have done too, but it's not in the market. The Smiths intend to stay."

I remember you!" and after a few vigorous puffs of smoke he went on; "It is all very well for the rest of the men to be proud of their book learning, but they don't even try to follow nature, as Sydenham did, who followed no man. I believe such study takes one to more theory and scientific digest rather than to more skill.

On the steps of that eastern door which opened midway up the side aisle, where the morning sun had shone in upon the white faces of a hospital in war-time, in this eastern doorway sat two young women. "I was just thinking," one was saying to the other, "that for the first time Mistress Sydenham has forgotten to keep this day.

What Sydenham did for medicine was briefly this he studied the course of diseases carefully, and especially as affected by the particular season; to patients with fever he gave air and cooling drinks, instead of smothering and heating them, with the idea of sweating out their disease; he ordered horseback exercise to consumptives; he, like his teacher, used few and comparatively simple remedies; he did not give any drug at all, if he thought none was needed, but let well enough alone.