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T' squirrels started spittin' an' sweerin' like mad, t' ullets yammered an' t' wind yowled, an' there was all maks an' manders o' noises owerheead. Then, efter a minute, t' mooin gat clear o' t' thunner-pack, an' Doed glowered around. But there was nowt to be seen nowheer.

No 'at he said muckle, for he daur hardly open his mou' for sweerin'; and Robert wadna sweer, ye ken; but he was neither to haud nor bin'." "What laddies war they, Charles, do ye ken?" asked Andrew. "There's a heap o' them up to tricks.

"I am a Respectable Whaup," said the bird, "and I kenna why ye have broken in on our family gathering. Once in a hundred years we foregather for decent conversation, and here we are interrupted by a muckle, sweerin' man." Now the shepherd was a fellow of great sagacity, yet he never thought it a queer thing that he should be having talk in the mid-moss with a bird.

And as for sa sweerin, it is no use sa sweerin, for I will get sa boat ready oh yes, I will get sa boat ready; but I do not understand why I will get sa boat ready." By this time, indeed, he had got along to the larger boat, and his grumblings were inaudible to the object of them. Mr. Mackenzie went to the small landing-place and waited.

Vanquished by the awful threat, Jean dropped the shoe she held, and turned her apron; but having to pass the door on her way to the ben-end, she saw Annie standing on the threshold, and stopped with a start, ejaculating: "The Lord preserve's, lassie!" "Jean, what are ye sweerin' at?" cried Thomas, angrily. "At Annie Anderson," answered Jean simply. "What for are ye sweerin' at her?

"Sweerin' will no find him," said the Master coldly. "Noo, Sam'l." The big man shifted his feet, and looked mournfully at M'Adam. "'Twas 'appen 'aif an hour agone, when I sees oor Bob goin' oot o' yard wi' little yaller tyke in his mouth. In a minnit I looks agin and theer! little yaller 'un was gone, and oor Bob a-sittin' a-lickin' his chops. Gone foriver, I do reck'n.