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Bluff managed to catch the eye of the constable whose acquaintance he and Jerry had made when in the lake village. Perhaps he gave him a humorous wink. At any rate, the tall lanky man shrugged his shoulders and immediately remarked: "I guess that you'd better tell the boys what you be suspectin' them of, Squire.

D'ye understand?" "Ho! ho!" "Ay, I thought so. Well, Alice, I am told that there's been a lot o' them landed on the island and took to chasin' and killin' the niggers, and Henry was all but killed by one o' the niggers this very morning, an' was saved by a big feller that's a mystery to me, and by the Grampus, who is the best feller I ever met a regular trump he is; and there's all sorts o' doubts, and fears, and rumours, and things of that sort, with a captain of the British navy, that you and I have read so much about, trying to find this pirate out, and suspectin' everybody he meets is him.

I mean mebbe Joe walks in his sleep. He might ha' stole them coins when he was sernamb'latin' about " The druggist snorted. "That's some o' your funny business, I s'pose, Walky Dexter. If you stood ter lose four hundred dollars you wouldn't chuckle none about it, I'm bound." "Mebbe that's so," admitted Walky. "But I dunno's I'd go around suspectin' everybody there was of stealin' that money.

"You may set your uneasy mind at rest, Mr. Something. Suspectin' treachery comes natural to you being what you are." "There that's enough!" This was the third man, Mayer Zurich. He sprang up, speaking sharply; a tall, straight man, broad-shouldered, well proportioned, with a handsome, sparkling, high-colored face. "Eric, you grow more insolent every day. Cut it out!" Mr.

Here they are all pryin' an' suspectin'. But they shan't know if I die for it. They shan't know that good-for-nothin' girl went off an' got married unbeknown to me. They've had enough to crow over because we didn't get Thomas Maxwell's money; they shan't have this nohow.

Ye might come an' take them if ye won't be stayin' all day there dishcussin' polemics. Devoy was understood to be a man of learning and unequalled in argument. 'Kidnappers an' goat-stealers! yelled the foe. Devoy posed on a rock in an oratorical attitude. 'Ye came suspectin' t' have a foine aisy time the mornin', he said.

He trusted a stranger." "Hit'll kin'er make ye uneasy 'bout talkin' to fellers on the road, won' hit?" said Bud, who was the most sociable man in the settlement. "Hit'll sharpen yo' judg-ment. The way you-all go on now you ain' fur off Mr. Baron fo' never suspectin' nobody." It was this very quality in Bud that was playing into Pink's hands. Yarebrough, however, felt properly rebuked.

"To begin with, then," said Rube, "Nick Undrell knew about your valuables knew that you kept 'em here in your cabin; and he coveted them. He'd made up his mind weeks ago to get hold of 'em. He admitted as much to you yourself, an' he put you off suspectin' him by makin' out that he'd started on a new trail by givin' up drink an' gamblin' and thievin'. That's where he was artful.

I trusted you from the ground up, but I can see a heap o' things now 'at I wouldn't see before. I had a letter written from Bill Andrews tellin' me 'at he had heard you brag 'at you intended to get holt o' my money, an' that it would pay me to search you instead o' suspectin' him " "Where was the letter from?" asked Dick. "Laramie," sez the ol' man.

"That's a fac'. Ye air too triflin' ter be let ter live, Watt," cried one of their comrades. "I hearn them jugs clash tergether in the coffin-box when 'Gene checked the team up suddint, I tell you. An' them men sure 'peared ter me powerful suspectin'." "I hearn the clash of them jimmyjohns," chimed in the driver. "I really thunk my hour war come.