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"'Arrah! you needn't be pushing me that way, said Pat, 'an' the round o' beef in my hands. "'Devil's luck to ye, it's the glasses you'll be breaking with your awkward elbow! "'Then, why don't ye leave the way? Ain't I your suparior? "'Ain't I the captain's own man? "'Ay, and if you war. Don't I belong to his betters? Isn't my master the two liftenants?

"Well, what d'ye say y' could paddle for, when y' couldn't?" "I can paddle. I paddled as long as I had anythin' but a sthick." "Oh, you dum landlubber!" smirked Glover. "What if I should order ye to the masthead?" "I wouldn't go," asseverated Sweeny. "I'll moind no man who isn't me suparior officer. I've moindin' enough to do in the arrmy. I wouldn't go, onless the liftinint towld me.

"I submit to your suparior judgment," said the Irishman, deferentially, "and would suggist that the sooner the same quadruped is procured the better all round. I hope the thing won't be delayed, as me aunt obsarved when the joodge sintenced her husband to be hung."

"And yit, Captin, it sames to me," observed Lieutenant Murphy, in allusion to the remark of Blessington rather than in reply to the last speaker, "it sames to me, I say, that promotion in ony way is all fair and honourable in times of hardship like thase; and though we may drop a tare over our suparior when the luck of war, in the shape of a tommyhawk, knocks him over, still there can be no rason why we shouldn't stip into his shoes the viry nixt instant; and it's that, we all know, that we fight for.

"And yit, Captin, it sames to me," observed Lieutenant Murphy, in allusion to the remark of Blessington rather than in reply to the last speaker, "it sames to me, I say, that promotion in ony way is all fair and honourable in times of hardship like thase; and though we may drop a tare over our suparior when the luck of war, in the shape of a tommyhawk, knocks him over, still there can be no rason why we shouldn't stip into his shoes the viry nixt instant; and it's that, we all know, that we fight for.

It's nayther more nor less than an insult to suppose that I, a dacent boy, and brought up under the teaching of Father O'Shea, should marry a hathen black woman; and if you weren't my suparior officer, corporal, I'd tach ye better manners."