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"An' do you think that I'm sufferin' nothin' on that account?" asked his companion; "only you haven't three big stacks of hay waitin' for a failure, as I have." "That's bekase I have no meadow on my farm," replied Cooney; "otherwise I would be in the hay trade as well as yourself."

That Dearsley has been makin' the rowlin' wealth av Roshus by nefarious rafflin'. Think av the burnin' shame to the sufferin' coolie-man that the army in Injia are bound to protect an' nourish in their bosoms! Two thousand coolies defrauded wanst a month! 'Dom t' coolies. Has't gotten t' cheer, man? said Learoyd. 'Hould on.

"I'll have ther law on yer fer this," he yelled. "Tryin' ter kidnap me and bustin' down my barn. I'll see whether such goin's on is allowed in ther sufferin' state uv Massachusetts, yew see if I don't, consarn yer. I'll "

I fergot the book, an' thought you must be sufferin' from some kind o' growth; but didn't like to arsk till I knew yer better deformed folks bein' mostly touchy about it. When you stripped jus' now, an' nothin' the matter, it puzzled me more'n ever. 'Ere show me where 'e tells about it," she demanded, taking the volume and opening it on her lap.

If no one come by I knew I must lay there till I died o' hunger and rotted, or the bar ate me up. "Well, night come, and night went. 'Twar about the longest night this child remembers. I lay all through it, a sufferin' the pain, and listening to the screechin' owls. I could a screeched as loud as any of them if that would a done any good.

Wall, the little arm got along all right, or would, if that had been all, but the poisonous air wuz what killed the little creeter. For five days she lay, not sufferin' so much in body, but stifled, choked with the putrid air, and each day the red in her cheeks deepened, and the little pulse beat faster and faster. And on the fifth day she got delerious, and she talked wild.

Don't blind yourselves. That's the hell with so many people in trouble. It's hard to see clear when you're sufferin' and fightin'. But I see clear.... Now with just a word I could fetch this new Jack Belllounds back to his Buster Jack tricks!" "Oh, Ben! No! No! No!" cried Columbine, in a distress that showed how his force dominated her. Moore's face turned as white as ashes.

"I'll tell ye," she said sharply. "Jaspar Panel has gotten a disease common enough in Californy. He's sufferin' from a dose o' swelled head." Mrs. Panel sprang to her feet. Her face was scarlet; her pale eyes snapped; the nostrils of her thin nose were dilated. "Susan Jane Fullalove," she cried shrilly, "how dare you?" Mrs. Fullalove remained calm. "It's so, Lily.

Leverage was incredulous. "Yes." Carroll grinned. "I was the man!" "You ? Holy sufferin' mackerel! Sa-a-ay! Was that chicken I seen you with downtown, Lawrence's sister-in-law?" "Yes. Miss Evelyn Rogers. And Good Lord! Leverage, how that girl can talk! She holds all records for conversational distance and speed. She talked me dumb." Leverage was staring respectfully at Carroll.

They dragged him in as if he was a dying dog that had been beaten with a club, and threw him into a corner, upon the floor, with just about as much unconcern. "Oh! massa! massa! kill me, massa, den 'em stop sufferin'!" said the poor fellow, in a painful murmur, raising his shackled hands to his head, and grasping the heavy chain that secured his neck, in the agony of pain.