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If 'twas Elijah's chariot of fire 'twould be just the same. That auto won't be done this afternoon, and nobody expects it to be. Here's my horse sufferin' to be shod; I want him shod and I've got the money to pay for it. When it's winter time you're around cryin' that you can't earn money to pay your bills.

You're goin' to be my judge? You you you! Why you poor little sufferin' innocent, what business have you got here at all? What right have you got to be settin' there tellin' me that you're goin' to be my judge; that you're goin' to butt into my game at all? Where's the money?" he demanded, his voice hard and menacing. "The money is hidden," she returned quietly. "Where?"

He drowned with a jet of tobacco juice a Gila monster that was staring at him and took a savage delight in its frantic efforts to bury itself. Soon he heard Skinny swear and he sung out: "What's the matter, Skinny? Git plugged again?" "Naw, bugs ain't they mean?" Plaintively asked his friend. "They ain't none over here. What kind of bugs?" "Sufferin' Moses, I ain't no bugologist! All kinds!"

"'Consolation! sez he, bould as brass. 'D'ye take me fer a dialect? Thirty-five mile from Cape Clear, an' fourteen days from Boston Light. Sufferin' Christianity, 'tis a record, an' by the same token I've a mother to Skibbereen! Think av ut! The gall av um! But ye see he could niver keep things sep'rate.

The woman, thus appealed to, good-naturedly acquiesced, and looked at Lady Dudleigh. "'Deed," she remarked, "ye look as though ye've had a deal of sufferin' afore ye came here, an' I don't wonder yer mind give way." "Do I look like a madwoman?" repeated Lady Dudleigh, with a sense of intolerable irritation at this woman's stupidity. "'Deed, then, an' I'm no judge. It's the doctor that decides."

"'Nobody can't look into the ground, says I. 'I don't mind losin' out myself, for I've done it for twenty years and I sort of like it now, but I'm sorry for the girl. "'It means another whole season, he says. 'I wanted to see them this summer, or bring them in next fall. "'Sufferin' sluice-boxes! Are you plumb daffy? Bring a woman into the Yukon and a little baby. "'She'd follow me anywhere.

But my people on other plantations often sent for me to preach, but I never call it preachin', only 'ligious talks. Da would have me help organize Churches all 'roun' thar. In four years we organized seven Churches an' the cause prospered. "At las' so many persecutions an' sufferin' was goin' on I got disheartened.

I'm no' sufferin' pain to speak o'. I can sleep at nicht, an' I tak my parritch, an' I hae ma faculties an' I'm in God's hauns," he said, the climax coming with unconscious power. "There's no better bulletin than that," I responded.

She was upon them, and abreast, and gone, with a watery purl of her bow wave, a subdued mutter of exhaust, passing so near than an active man could have leaped the space between. "Sufferin' Jerusalem!" Barlow repeated, turning to Stella. "Did you see that, Mrs. Jack? They got him." Stella nodded. She too had seen Monohan seated on the after deck, his head sunk on his breast, irons on his wrists.

She maintained she only dosed the child to keep her from sufferin'. I didn't believe her, but we had nothing to set up against her." Mrs. Tracy became as erect and fierce in aspect as such a delicate creature could become. The long veil of crape which hung from her bonnet and swept the floor, emphasizing the blackness of all her other garments, trembled as she rose.