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P. S. I teach young Gentlemen the whole Art of Gallanting a Fan. N. B. I have several little plain Fans made for this Use, to avoid Expence. No. 103. Thursday, June 28, 1711. Steele. ... Sibi quivis Speret idem frusta sudet frustraque laboret Ausus idem ... Hor.

He may succeed, and present to a wondering world a consummate musician, painter, poet, or philosopher; for even blind chance may sometimes hit the mark, as truly as the most perfect skill. But he will probably fail. Sudet multum, frustraque laboret. And, if he is disappointed, he will not only feel that disappointment in the ultimate result, but also in every step of his progress.

It is just the description that Horace makes of such a finished piece; it appears so easy, "Ut sibi quivis Speret idem, sudet multum, frustraque laboret, Ausus idem." And besides all this, it is your lordship's particular talent to lay your thoughts so chose together that, were they closer, they would be crowded, and even a due connection would be wanting.

"Has meus ad metas sudet oportet equus." I do not bite my nails about the difficulties I meet with in my reading; after a charge or two, I give them over. Should I insist upon them, I should both lose myself and time; for I have an impatient understanding, that must be satisfied at first: what I do not discern at once is by persistence rendered more obscure.

Sudet multum. He will be like the man, who first in a frail bark committed himself to the treachery of the waves. He will keep near to the shore; he will tremble for the audaciousness of his enterprise; he will feel that it calls for all his alertness and vigilance.