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The evening of this second day found Struve still not accounted for. Although Miss Kinney had assured Neill that she was glad to be rid of him it occurred to her more than once in the course of the day that he was taking her a little too literally. On Sunday she did not see a glimpse of him after he left. At lunch he did not appear, nor was he in evidence at dinner.

The fact, however, that he had been deceived is now undoubted. Subsequent research has shown that the Pulkowa telescope, though a very fine instrument, possesses the undesirable quality of making a companion orb for all first-class stars in the position where O. Struve and his assistant Lindenau saw the supposed companion of Procyon.

Roy's contact with the primitive had not roughened him more quickly than had hers. She met her appointment with Struve, and they rode away together, he talkative and elated, she silent and icy. Late in the afternoon the cloud banks to the eastward assumed alarming proportions.

"There's a call for you from Las Estrellas," said Struve, appearing from the front, whence his voice had come to her mingled with the excited tones of a Mexican. "Tony Garcia has been hurt; pretty badly, I expect. His brother says that Tony got his hand caught in some kind of machinery he was fooling with late this afternoon and crushed so that it's all but torn off."

He found a light shining from her parlor window, and, noting the shade up a few inches, stole close. Peering through, he discovered Struve and Helen talking. He slunk back into the shadows and remained hidden for a considerable time after the lawyer left, for the dancers were returning from the hotel and passed close by.

"I'm going to get del Rio." "I don't believe . . ." began Struve. "Seeing is believing," returned Norton lightly. "Come on." Followed by the two men, Norton went direct to del Rio's room, at the front of the house, just across the hall from Virginia's office. At del Rio's quick "Entra," he threw open the door and went in.

His puzzled face showed how he was trying to take this in, "I don't understand. How could he be alone with you?" "I thought he was my brother and I was helping him to escape from Fort Lincoln." "Helping him to escape! Helping Wolf Struve to escape! Well, I'm darned if that don't beat my time. How come you to think him your brother?" the man asked suspiciously. "It doesn't matter how or why.

"Tommie, vamos," hinted Briscoe gently, and as soon as the cook had disappeared, he repeated his monosyllable: "Well?" "It didn't come off," muttered the other sulkily. "Just what I expected. Why not?" Struve broke into a string of furious oaths. "Because I missed him missed him twice, when he was standing there naked before me.

Schroeter and Maedler minutely examined the moon and planets; Struve, the fixed stars. Fraunhofer improved the telescope. Chladni first investigated the nature of fiery meteors and brought the study of acoustics to perfection. Alexander von Humboldt immensely promoted the observation of the changes of the atmosphere and the general knowledge of the nature of the earth.

"You'd better not, or I'll take you back to the penitentiary where I put you before." "You'll never put another man there, you meddling spy," Struve cried furiously. "I'm not so sure of that. I know what you've got against me, but I should like to know what kick your friends have coming," the ranger retorted. "You may have mine, right off the reel, Mr. Fraser, or whatever you call yourself.