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At last he broke off suddenly and consulted his watch, while Helen remembered that she had not heard Shortz in the kitchen for a long time. Suddenly Struve smiled on her peculiarly, with confident cunning. As he leered at her over the disorder between them he took from his pocket a flat bundle which he tossed to her. "Now for the bargain, eh?"

That's a heap better." Struve glared at him, speechless. "You're too slow on the draw for this part of the country, my friend," jeered Briscoe. "Or perhaps, while you were at Yuma, you got out of practice. It's like stealing candy from a kid to beat you to it. Don't ever try to draw a gun again in Lost Valley while you're asleep. You might never waken." Jed was in high good humor with himself.

On the W. is the much more regular and almost as large formation, Otto Struve A, the W. border of Otto Struve forming its E. wall. This enclosure is bounded elsewhere by a very low, broken, and attenuated barrier. At sunrise the E. and W. walls, with the mountain mass at the N. end, which they join, resemble a pair of partially-opened calipers.

When I was there, the volumes containing the earlier meridian observations were in press. Struve and his chief assistant, Dr. Wagner, used to pore nightly over the proof sheets, bestowing on every word and detail a minute attention which less patient astronomers would have found extremely irksome. Dr.

Collins, Mr. Dunke," she said. The steel probes shifted from Struve to her. "What did you hear, Miss Kinney? This man is a storehouse of lies. I let him run on to see how far he would go." Struve's harsh laugh filled the tunnel. "Take me to Mrs. Collins," she reiterated wearily. "Not till I know what you heard," answered Dunke doggedly. "I heard everything," she avowed boldly.

We found the surrey down in the canyon. It had gone over the edge of the road. Both the hawsses were dead, and Struve had disappeared. How the thing happened I reckon never will be known unless the convict tells it. My guess would be that Dunke attacked him and the convict was just a little bit more than ready for him." "Have you any idea where Struve is?"

If Galloway's stroke should turn out to be bolder and harder than was now known, then Struve and his men had horses saddled and were to get their wards out of danger by hard riding. Norton was to post two men a few miles out as he rode north and they were to report back to Struve in case of necessity. These latter plans were made only at the moment before the sheriff's departure.

For many days the girl had caught scattered talk between the Judge and McNamara, and between Struve and his associates, but it all seemed foreign and dry, and beyond the fact that it bore on the litigation over the Anvil Creek mines, she understood nothing and cared less, particularly as a new interest had but recently come into her life, an interest in the form of a man McNamara.

Then, in a frenzy, Glenister shook the wounded man cruelly, so that he cried out in terror: "I'm dying oh, I'm dying." Roy raised the sick man up and thrust his own face before his eyes. "This is Glenister. I've come for Helen where is she?" A spark of recognition flickered into the dull stare. "You're too late I'm dying and I'm afraid." His questioner shook Struve again.

Comparing the proper motions and parallaxes to get the actual velocity of each star relative to our system, C.L. Struve found the probable velocity of the solar system in space to be fifteen miles a second, or five astronomical units a year.