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She lives jist out of Dame Strate, sure, in Abbey Lane. Any one'll till ye the place, sure! "`What say you to goin' to say the poor crayture? says I to Terence Mahony. `We'll lave word where we're gone, an' I'm sure Mr Lancett will be plaised to hear we're looking afther the ould lady!

Jes say rite strate out what you're drivin at. If you mean gettin hitched, I'M IN!" I considered that air enuff for all practicul purpusses, and we proceeded immejitely to the parson's, & was made 1 that very nite. I've parst threw many tryin ordeels sins then, but Betsy Jane has bin troo as steel. By attendin strickly to bizniss I've amarsed a handsum Pittance.

"I'll open it myself, mother, that is, I if I had a kay. Haven't you got one?" "I have that same. I picked up a bunch of kays in the strate last week." She fumbled in her pocket, and drew out half a dozen keys of different sizes, attached to a steel ring. "Bully for you, old woman!" said Jim. "Give 'em here." "Let me open the bag," said Mrs. Malone, persuasively.

"Want my clothes. Want to go downstairs and get my supper." "Get my supper," assented Luis, creeping forward from the corner where he had hidden in fear of he knew not what. "Hello, echo! You on hand again? How's business?" demanded Ninian, drawing the child towards him. "First rate," answered Ned, for his comrade, who promptly echoed: "'Strate."

His paper was a much-crumpled piece that he had found that morning in the wastebasket, and as yet his writing and spelling were poor enough, but he knew what he wanted to express, and this is what he wrote: DEAR BISHOP: I hav ben mene and bad i am not def and dum but i acted like i was caus I thot you wood not kepe me if yu knu I am sory now so i am going away but i am going to kepe strate and not bee bad any more ever.

Hardwick, who is a difficult man to deal with, sometimes comes through the shmall room, and out into the passage whin he doesn't want to see anyone at all, at all, and goes out into the strate, leavin' everybody waitin' for him.

"Well, ye do bate the the the prisidint!" he said, going with him to the corner of the street. "Now, thin, go up the strate straight, I mean straight up the strate, turn nayther to the right nor the lift, an whin the strate inds, follow the road up the river, an' be it soon or late ye'll come to Scranton." "Thank you! Good-by. I'll al'ays remember you."

There was Pat Murphy that brak his leg when he fell with a hod of bricks aff the ladder in Say Strate, and they put a bit of wet rag round it, and the next wake he was dancing a jig to the chune of Paddy Rafferty, at the ball given by the Social Burial Society.

It's a paper, though Oi says it as shouldn't, that would cut out some o' these Telegraphs and Chronicles if it was only in London. Begad, instead of encouraging local talent ye spind your toime standing around in the strate, and trying to suck a man's news out of him for nothing."

I'll bet that that woman over the strate there is another of the right sort." "Dat voman is alvays in your head," the German said, with a smile. "You shall certainly dream about her to-night.