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He had accomplished about half his job when again Daisy's voice broke imperiously in upon him. "Blake! Blake! Come in! You'll get wet to the skin." He stopped at once, straightening his great frame with a sigh of relief. Daisy was standing at the drawing-room window. He pulled on his coat and went to join her. She came to meet him with sharp reproach. "Why are you so foolish?

But it seemed as if the great beauty and tenderness of the world were for him, this morning, as if some great Power stretched out its arms to him, and spoke through it. "I'll not be silly again," straightening himself, and buttoning his coat; but before the words were spoken, his head had sunk again, and he stood quiet.

Then his smile disappeared and his eyes, blue-gray, took on frosty little glints. The Kid, after straightening out the troubled affairs of the Thomas family, was heading northwest again. It was the age-old wanderlust that led him out of the Rio country once more. "What do yo' say, Blizzahd?" he drawled. His tones held just a trace of sarcasm.

As it was not necessary for the first batter in an inning to signal, Wyndham could not "lay for him" by the aid of knowledge gained in advance, and to open the fourth Sile Cane strode forth and fell on one of Newbert's slants, straightening it out handsomely for two sacks.

He turned with the beginning of a smile that would not finish: "Would you mind straightening out my arm?" The arm was bandaged above the elbow, and the forearm was hooked under him. A man bent over and suddenly it was dark. "Here, bring back that lantern!" But the lantern was staggering up-hill again to fetch the next. "Oh, do straighten out my arm," wailed the voice from the ground.

Overhead, the first-floor windows had been flung wide; the rooms within were aflame with light; and, as I grasped the rail of the splashboard, and, straightening myself up, gazed over the cab-roof with a wild surmise into the driver's face, a powerful but invisible string band struck up the 'Country Girl' Lancers! "'Oo's a liar now?"

He felt like a man who has won at cards, and sneaked away without giving the loser his revenge. If only she hadn't loved him; and it had been a soulless companionship, a quite sordid business. Anything rather than this! English to the backbone, he could not divest himself of a sense of guilt. To see no way of making up to her, of straightening it out, made him feel intensely mean.

I just thought I'd tell yuh," he added casually, straightening up, "because I didn't think you knew it before." "Thanks." The man smiled one-sidedly and began filling a pipe while he watched them. "A-course it won't be much trouble to move your shack," Andy continued with neighborly interest. "A wheelbarrow will take it, easy.

Straightening his features into a mask, his eyes still spoke his emotion in a kind of stare of resentment at the picture. Then he saw his son's shoulders rising above his own and looked into his son's eyes to see them smiling. Long isolated by his power from clashes of will under the roof of his store or his house, the father had a sense of the rippling flash of steel blades.

When deformities are already present, the treatment depends upon whether or not there is any prospect of the bone straightening naturally. Under five years of age this may, as a rule, be confidently expected; the child should be kept off its feet, and the limbs bathed and massaged.