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Hippy handed up a partially filled bucket to one man and another to the rest until each man had been supplied. "I'll take the buckets now," announced Hippy. "Hey, you! Where you all headed for?" demanded Hi, straightening up and surveying the newcomers narrowly. "Reckon we might ask the same question of you. Who's them gals?" questioned the leader.

Our Machine Gun Company lost seventeen killed and thirty-one wounded in that little local affair of "straightening the line," while the other companies clicked it worse than we did. After the attack we went into reserve billets for six days, and on the seventh once again we were in rest billets.

The supreme moment came. She loosened the band about her waist, breathing deeply. She bent her slender body this way and that, straightening up, stooping, twisting from side to side. She felt that every individual muscle must be made ready, keyed up to the work that was to be done in a flying moment. She must be steady, she must be sure.

"I don't know, nor for how long. It got too dark to see my watch." "Were you walking alone, may I ask?" "Yes," he said, straightening himself; "but we'd been talking it over at the office. There's been a lot of talk at the office lately about these things. The fellows there said one steers by the Pole Star, and I looked it up in the celestial atlas, but once out of doors everything gets so mixed."

She said as if inspired and with that calmness which despair often gives: "There is no money to go away with, papa." He rose up straightening himself as though he were a hinged figure. She said decisively: "And of course you wouldn't think of deserting me, papa?" "Of course not," sounded his subdued tone.

Then Morton turned from the fish-lines he was straightening, and looked his honest, quiet pleasure, as different in manner from his twin-sister as a staid, slow proud-stepping heron is different from a flitting, fluttering, flame- winged oriole.

You know me now." And straightening up to her full height as an Amazon sure of herself, she turned to the bench, motioning to Rafael to take a seat at the other end. "What a night!... I feel a strange intoxication without wine! The orange-trees seem to inebriate me with their very breath. An hour ago my room was whirling round and round, as though I were going to faint.

Yes, in her heart she would apply the epithet 'poor thing' to this grand creature whose superiority she acknowledged with more fervour than anybody. As for the undaunted straightening of the shoulders, she adopted it, and after a time it grew to be a characteristic gesture with her. "Well?" Mr. Cannon greeted them.

"Oh, thou incomparable Oliver, I wish you were a lass," she said, lifting her merry, girlish face level with mine, and putting a hand on each of my shoulders. "Why, my lady?" I said, straightening at her touch. "Then you could give Davie this as well!" which said, she pecked lightly at me with her sweet lips and kissed me.

He was thinking hard, straightening out certain facts, and trying to square this horrible statement with things he had seen and heard to-night. All of a sudden he uttered a great cry, and bolted out into the darkness unheeded by Gale and Burrell, who stood dazed and distraught with a fear greater than that which was growing in Stark at sight of his wounds.