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'Art thou foresighted? said he. 'Folk have called me so, she said, 'but I wot not. But thy brother Hall-face, how fareth he? 'Well; said he, 'to my deeming he is the Sword of our House, and the Warrior of the Dale, if the days were ready for him. 'And Stone-face, that stark ancient, she said, 'doth he still love the Folk of the Dale, and hate all other folks?

Or else beware! for there are evil things abroad in the Wood, and moreover the brethren of those two felons who were slain at Carlstead. Then Gold-mane constrained himself to answer the old carle softly; and he thanked him kindly for his offer, and said that so it should be before long. So the talk between them fell, and Stone-face went away somewhat well-pleased.

So let thy mind be at ease; and for the rest, I will do what the Alderman commandeth, and whatso my father craveth of me. 'And that is well, son, said Stone-face, 'if what ye say come to pass, as sore I misdoubt me it will not. But well it were, well it were! For such things are in the wood, yea and before ye come to its innermost, as may well try the stoutest heart.

Then Stone-face shook his head again, and looked on him long, and muttered: 'To the wood wilt thou go to-morrow or next day; or some day when doomed is thine undoing.

Gold-mane greeted him kindly, though, sooth to say, he was but half content to see him; since he doubted, what was verily the case, that his foster-father would give him many words, counselling him to refrain from going to the wood, and this was loathsome to him; but he spake and said: 'Meseems, father, that the eastern sky is brightening toward dawn. 'Yea, quoth Stone-face.

'The morrow of to-morrow, said Stone-face, 'is the day when we look to see the Westland merchants: after all, wilt thou not go hence with them when they wend their ways back before the first snows fall? 'Nay, said he, 'I have no mind to it, fosterer; cease egging me on hereto.

Stone-face sat outward from him on the other side of the Bride; and he leaned across her towards Gold-mane and said: 'Fair shall be thy tale to-morrow, if thou tellest us all thine adventure. Or wilt thou tell us less than all?

And they did so, and stood fast as a wall; but lo! the onrush that drave up against them was but a fleeing shrieking throng, and no longer an array of warriors, for many had cast away their weapons, and were rushing they knew not whither; for they were being thrust on the bitter edges of Face-of-god's companies by the terror of the fleers from the onset of the men of the Face, the Sickle, and the Vine, whom Hall-face and Stone-face were leading, along with Folk-might.

Then poured the Folk up over the stairs and into the Hall of the Wolf, the banners flapping over their heads; and first went the War- leader and Folk-might and Hall-face, and then the three delivered thralls, Wolf-stone, God-swain, and Spear-fist, and Dallach with them, though both he and Wolf-stone had been hurt in the battle; and then came blended together the Men of the Face along with them of the Wolf who had entered the Market-stead with them, and with these were Stone-face and Wood-wont and Bow-may, leading the Sun-beam betwixt them; and now was she come to herself again, though her face was yet pale, and her eyes gleamed as she stepped across the threshold of the Hall.

Good it were to cast them into the Death Tarn, and then to get to our work; for there is much to do. All men yeasaid that; and Forkbeard of Lea went with those who had borne the corpses thither to cast them into the black pool. But the Fiddle spake and said: 'Stone-face sayeth sooth.