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And old Stone-face said: 'Too many are the rows of bee-skeps in the gardens of the Dale that we should begrudge wayward lovers an hour's waste of candle-light.

'As for us, I know not, said Stone-face; 'but thy friends of Shadowy Vale have been vanquished. Moreover, concerning these felons whom now we are hunting, are we all so sure that they be men? Certain it is, that when I go into battle with them, I shall smite with no more pity than my sword, as if I were smiting things that may not feel the woes of man.

The said smoke was not such as cometh from one great fire, but was like a thin veil staining the pale blue sky, as when men are burning ling on the heath-side and it is seen aloof. He showed that smoke to Stone-face, who smiled and said: 'Now will they be lighting the cooking fires in Rose-dale: would I were there with a few hundreds of axes and staves at my back!

Stone-face spake no more to Face- of-god about the wood and its wights, when he saw that the young man had come back hale and merry, seemed not to crave over-much to go back thither.

But Stone-face caught hold of the Alderman's right arm and dragged down the sword, and the big carle, Red-coat of Waterless, came up behind him and cast his arms about his middle and drew him back; and presently he looked around him, and slowly sheathed his sword, and went back to his place and sat him down; and in a little while the noise abated and swords were sheathed, and men waxed quiet again, and the Alderman arose and said in a loud voice, but in the wonted way of the head man of the Thing: 'Here hath been trouble in the Holy Thing; a violent man hath troubled it, and drawn sword on a neighbour; will the neighbours give the dooming hereof into the hands of the Alderman?

Then all men shouted with great glee and clashed their weapons; but some few put their heads together and spake apart a little while, and then one of them, Red-coat of Waterless to wit, came forward and said: 'Alderman, some of us deem it good that Stone-face, the old man wise in war and in the ways of the Wood, should be named as a counsellor to the War-leader; and Hall-face, a very brisk and strong young man, to be his right hand and sword-bearer.

Said Face-of-god: 'Yea, even so shall it be with me. But what thinkest thou of these runaways? Shall we have tidings of them, or shall Dallach bring the foe upon us? It was for the sake of that question that I have clomb the burg: and that we might watch the land about us. 'Nay, said Stone-face, 'I have seen many men, and I deem of Dallach that he is a true man.

When they came to their campment there were their folk standing in a ring round about Dallach and the other runaways. They made way for the War-leader and Stone-face, who came amongst them and beheld the Runaways, that they were many more than they looked to see; for they were of carles one score and three, and of women eighteen, all told save Dallach.

We may scarce leave the Dale unguarded when our host is gone; therefore I deem that we shall have but one thousand of men for our onslaught on Silver-dale. 'How come ye to that? said Stone-face. Said Face-of-god: 'Abide a while, fosterer!

'Maybe, father, said Gold-mane; 'Hall-face and some of the swains are talking of elks up the fells which may be trapped in the drifts, and if they go a-hunting them, I may go in their company. 'Ah, son, quoth Stone-face, 'thou wilt look to see other kind of beasts than elks.