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Stomach-tube to be used with care, owing to softened state of gullet and stomach. Fatal Dose. Three grains in a child. Fatal Period. Half an hour the shortest. Method of Extraction from the Stomach. A trial test may be made of the contents of the stomach with copper-foil.

One beardless youth who had been shot through the throat, and who told me in a husky whisper that he had had no water in thirty-six hours, tried to take a swallow when I lifted his head. He strangled, coughed up a little bloody froth, and then whispered: "It's no use; I can't. Never mind!" Our Dr. Egan afterward gave him water through a stomach-tube.

As it seemed very doubtful whether he was capable of swallowing, I dared not take the risk of pouring the liquid into his mouth for fear of suffocating him. A stomach-tube would have solved the difficulty, but, of course, I had not one with me.

Its effects are due chiefly to depression of the central nervous system, the medulla being the last part of the nervous system to be attacked. Method of Extraction from the Stomach. By distillation in strongly alkaline solutions, when it may be obtained as chloroform and tested as such. Treatment. Stomach-tube or emetic. Hypodermic injections of strychnine.

Use the stomach-tube to give a solution of permanganate of potash, emetics, followed by a hypodermic injection of 1/50 grain of atropine. Transfusion of saline fluid. A dose of castor-oil would be useful. =Foods.= The kinds of food which most frequently produce symptoms of poisoning are pork, veal, beef, meat-pies, potted and tinned meats, sausages, and brawn.

Fatal Period. Usually nine to twelve hours; but in many cases, if life is prolonged for eight hours, recovery takes place. Fatal Dose. Four grains of opium is the smallest fatal dose in an adult, or one drachm of laudanum; children are proportionately much more susceptible to the action of opium than adults. Treatment. Stomach-tube, emetics, strong coffee or tea, ammonia to nostrils.

After all the other surgeons had gone to their tents, he wandered about the camp, looking after the wounded who lay shivering here and there on the bare, wet ground, and giving them, with medicines, stomach-tube, and catheter, such relief as he could. Soon after sunrise I awoke, and after a hasty breakfast began carrying around food and water.

The first indication is met by the administration of emetics, to produce vomiting, or by the application of the stomach-tube. The best emetic is that which is at hand. If there is a choice, give apomorphine hypodermically. The dose for an adult is 10 minims. It may be given in the form of the injection of the Pharmacopoeia, or preferably as a tablet dissolved in water.

Sometimes congestion of cerebral vessels and meninges. Lungs congested, blood fluid. Rigor mortis persistent. Fatal Dose. Death from 1/2 pint of gin and from two bottles of port, but recovery from larger quantities. Fatal Period. Average about twenty-four hours. Treatment. Stomach-tube, cold affusion, electricity, injection of a pint of hot coffee into the rectum.

In using the elastic stomach-tube, some fluid should be introduced into the stomach before attempting to empty it, or a portion of the mucous membrane may be sucked into the aperture. The tube should be examined to see that it is not broken or cracked, as accidents have happened from neglecting this precaution.