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And as for the Experiment with Red-rose Leaves, the same thing may be alleged, for we found that such Leaves by bare Infusion for a Night and Day in fair Water, did afford us a Tincture bordering at least upon Redness, and that Colour being conspicuous in the Leaves themselves, would not by some seem so much to be produc'd as to be extracted by the affusion of Oyl of Vitriol.

Nausea and vomiting not uncommon. Post-Mortem Appearances. Brain and lungs congested. Cavities of heart full of dark, liquid blood. Vessels at upper part of spinal cord congested. Treatment. Exposure to pure air, cold affusion, artificial respiration, galvanism. Method of Extraction from the Contents of the Stomach. Same as for alcohol.

LETHARGY. This species of apoplexy discovers itself by an invincible drowsiness, or inclination to sleep; and is frequently attended with a degree of fever, and coldness of the extremities. Blisters and emetics have often procured relief. The affusion of cold water upon the head, and the burning of feathers or other fetid substances, held near the nostrils, are also attended with advantage.

Answer: "To dip under water." "Do we still baptize in that way?" Answer: "No; because of the rough climate, the subject now is only sprinkled." It is of no consequence at all whether the person that is baptized is totally immersed, or whether he is merely sprinkled by an affusion of water. This should be a matter of choice to the churches in different regions."

Sometimes congestion of cerebral vessels and meninges. Lungs congested, blood fluid. Rigor mortis persistent. Fatal Dose. Death from 1/2 pint of gin and from two bottles of port, but recovery from larger quantities. Fatal Period. Average about twenty-four hours. Treatment. Stomach-tube, cold affusion, electricity, injection of a pint of hot coffee into the rectum.

Reaching the crateriform summit, we found that the head of the cone had either "caved in," or had been carried off bodily to be worked. Here traces of fire, seen on the rock, suggested that it had been split by cold affusion. A view from the summit of this burrowed mound gave us at once the measure of the past work and a most encouraging prospect for the future.

For a while after the Affusion of a convenient Quantity of the Liquor we are speaking of, both the Leaves themselves, and the Water they were Steep'd in, discover'd a very fresh and lovely Colour.

That artificial respiration may be necessary for two hours or more before the restoration of adequate natural efforts, and that the performance of the movements ten times to the minute is amply sufficient, and produces a better result than a more rapid rate. 4. That galvanism, ammonia to the nostrils, cold affusion, and stimulants by the mouth are practically useless in the early stage. 5.

Cases, which at first were exceptional, gradually multiplied, so that, at length, the ordinary mode of baptism was by affusion. The church wisely sanctioned that which, although less solemn, is equally effectual. The power of binding and loosing, which she received from Christ, warrants this exercise of governing wisdom.

Unable to void a drop of urine; nose hot; tongue hangs down; pants considerably; will not eat; the countenance has an anxious character. Bleed to twelve ounces; apply cold affusion. Medicine as before, with cold affusion. 6th. Appears to be in very great pain; not a drop of water has passed from him. Medicine and other treatment as before. In the evening he lay down quietly.