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"If Laban is an honest man, no harm has been done. If he stole our steers and, mind you, I don't say he did three slices off the breast of a turkey will hardly offset my interest in five tons of beef. As for this packing scheme, it sounds promising; but we lack figures. To-morrow we will drive into San Lorenzo, and talk to the Children of Israel.

The man had liked it all steers and red-brown stone and all but the wife had objected. She had travelled far, and she had seen, on a certain building in Rome, two lions guarding a ducal entrance. Now that the house was finished, the architect seldom passed that way. But when he did he swore at the lions, softly, as he whirred by.

But I represent the law here, an' I've got to do my duty. You won't deny that we found them steers in your brother's corral?" "No, I can't deny that!" declared the girl passionately. "You found them there. They were there. But Ben did not put them there. Shall I tell you who did? It was you! I heard a noise in the corral during the night last night! But I thought it was just our own cattle.

"Plain!... My herds to wander in the sage to be stolen! Jane Withersteen a poor woman! Her head to be brought low and her spirit broken!... Why, Judkins, it's plain enough." "Miss Withersteen, let me get what boys I can gather, an' hold the white herd. It's on the slope now, not ten miles out three thousand head, an' all steers.

I prefer to look after my few thousands of steers, laying on four hundred pounds each per year, far from the madding crowd. You know Riley's man who said that the little town of Tailholt was good enough for him? Well, that expresses my view of the 'J-Up-and-Down' Ranch as a hermitage. It'll do quite well. But these Eastern interests of Mrs. Jim are just now menacing to life in any hermitage.

And to Trevors: "Busy or not busy, you take time right now to answer my questions. I've got your reports and all they tell me is that you are going in the hole as fast as you can. You are spending thousands of dollars needlessly. What business have you got selling off my young steers at a sacrifice? What in the name of folly did you build those three miles of fence for?"

"He's handsomer than your Prince," agreed Nan. "He is that. I wonder where he went when Tom lost him?" The treasure-hunting party did not go directly to the gulch in which the girls had had their adventure at the time of the tornado. A part of what Hesitation Kane had on his pack horse was to be delivered to an outfit herding a bunch of steers back in the hills a long distance.

Drop it and run! There's a b'ar in the yard! Run! Run! "And them boys did run, but they held fast to their bucket and brought most of the water inter the house with 'em. Then Miss Sally barred that door, too, and they all went to the winder and peeped out. There was Mister B'ar snoopin' about the yard, and lookin' almost as big as one of the steers.

I'm going up to salt the steers." Mrs. Wetherell hastened to add: "Yes, you go; you hain't had a ride since you been here. Old Darby ain't fast, but he's good." Eagerly I accepted the invitation, and in a few minutes we set off. Darby was a great strong white horse, with minute brown spots all over him. Mr.

Pieter Evertsen Hulst, who undertook to ship thither, at his risk, whatever was requisite, to wit: one hundred and three head of cattle; stallions, mares, steers and cows, for breeding and multiplying, besides all the hogs and sheep that might be thought expedient to send thither; and to distribute these in two ships of one hundred and forty lasts, in such a manner that they should be well foddered and attended to....