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Patten steers the wrecked ship to port, or Florence Nightingale walks the midnight hospital these are the age and the sphere of woman. Queen Elizabeth's was the age of young men; but so it is always when there are young men who can make an age. And ours is such an age. We live in a country which has been saved by its young men. Before us opens a future which is to be secured by the young men.

The table-talk soon left romance and turned upon steers and alfalfa, a grass but lately introduced in the country. No further mention was made of the hostile Crows, and from this I drew the false conclusion that Tommy had not come up to their hopes in the matter of reciting his campaigns.

His eyes were smarting intolerably with smoke and heat, and the smell of the branding was not nice; but through the long afternoon he stuck to the work, shrewdly guessing that the others were not having any fun either. Park and "the Deacon" worked as hard as any, branding the steers as they were squeezed, one by one, fast in the little branding chutes.

Conscious of right, however, he steers his own course; he travels over the whole country, views its features personally, judges of its requirements and resources, gathers advice from capable persons, forms his own opinion, and acts accordingly.

After we had retrimmed the cut, the beeves were started for their pasture, and nothing now remained but the counting to complete the receiving. Four of us remained behind with the cows, but for over two hours the steers were in plain sight, while the two parties were endeavoring to make a count.

Our bold buccaneer, however, having won his footing, took care to see that, so far as one bird could accomplish the great task, it never should be again. And the Northern Lights come down To dance on the houseless snow; And God, who clears the grounding berg, And steers the grinding flow, He hears the cry of the little kit-fox And the lemming on the snow.

"And that is why they took some of our steers." "Yes, I reckon that's what they'd say, anyhow," remarked the foreman. "But it won't do to let the redmen take cattle any time they feel like it. They have money, and can buy what they want. I wouldn't mind giving them a beef or two, but when it comes to taking part of a herd, it must be stopped." "How can it be stopped?" asked Mr. Bobbsey.

There they are ahead. They're turning the herd into this pasture, you see." Half a mile or more to the southward a spreading dust-cloud hugged the earth, through which, indistinctly, Stratton could make out the moving figures of men and cattle. The two spurred forward, reaching the wide opening in the fence ahead of the vanguard of steers.

He ordered numberless steers to be sacrificed, and thanksgiving festivals to be held throughout the land; but he was cut to the heart by the betrayal to which he had fallen a victim. He longed as he always did in moments when the balance of his mind had been disturbed for an hour of solitude, and retired to the tent which had been hastily erected for him.

They was thin when water and grass was everywhere. Thin at this season thet'll tell you how your steers was pestered. Fer instance, one night a strange runnin' streak of fire run right through the herd. That streak was a coyote with an oiled an' blazin' tail! Fer I shot it an' found out.