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She told the station-agent that her name was Celeste Seldon, and that she had come West for a double purpose, searching for her father, and one other whom she was most anxious to find. The last she had heard of her father was in a letter dated from W , and a secret communication, also mailed from W , was the last tidings received from the second person she sought. "I wrote you, Mr.

"Yes," answered Bud, "what of it?" "Oh, nothin'," said McKee; "it jus' struck me as sorter funny. PAYSON and PACIN', don't you see." Bud was mystified. Had his companion gone daft? McKee saw instantly that it would be very easy to fix the charge of murdering the station-agent upon Payson.

The baggageman watched her, hypnotized with curiosity and wonder. At the next station he helped her to drop through the opening she had entered, and called a shamefaced "good-by" after her in the dusk. She hunted up the station-agent and received scanty encouragement: Very likely he had seen such a man; there were many of that description getting off every day.

The ticket office was occupied by the station-agent, who was near the keyboard of the telegraph wire; otherwise the interior of the building was empty. "Heard anything from the passenger yet?" asked George, as he walked unconcernedly into the ticket office. "Just wait a second," said the man, his right hand playing on the board; "I'm telegraphing up the line to Calhoun to find out where she is.

At which sally all the old men chuckled creakily. But the young lady showed no apprehension, only some relief, as she stepped into the tottering surrey which Hop drove up beside the platform. As the old driver slapped the reins on the placid horse's woolly back, the station-agent turned to Smith. "George," he said, "the little 'un ain't cracked. He's blind."

Suddenly the electric bells began to ring. The station-agent rushed frantically out to the track: "The train is signalled, messieurs. It will be here in eight minutes." Everybody started. Then a general instinctive impulse caused every watch to be drawn from its fob. Only six minutes more. Thereupon, in the profound silence, some one exclaimed: "Look there!"

The soldier and his friend were now standing at some distance from the station, on a sidewalk in front of a grocery store. They were engaged in earnest conversation. Over on the side-track, where "The General" stood, the station-agent was talking to Andrews. George joined his leader, and sprang into the cab.

She smiled to him slantwise. "It's the air," he answered judicially. "There's another storm brewing somewhere or I'm no guesser. More trouble for the schedule." "That's right!" she cried eagerly. "Be the Atkinson and St. Philip station-agent again. Let's talk about trains. It's it's so reliable." "Far from it on this line," he answered, adopting her light tone. "Particularly if we have more rain.

He would elbow his way to the gate, scold about the delay of the train, declaim against the station-agent, the company, the government; say to Delobelle in a loud voice, so as to be overheard by his neighbors: "I say suppose such a thing as this should happen in America!"

It was by no means the first time they had slept out in the open in the frost or rain, and fed on wet, unwarmed food. In due time they reached the settlement on the railroad; and, after delivering the remaining bags of ore to the station-agent and leaving the freighter with his horses, Weston went back along the trail with Devine.