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"From what I hear," said Andrews, "the passenger train is so much behind time that if I make fast time I can get to Calhoun before it arrives there, and wait on a siding for it to pass us." "Then why don't you move on," urged George, who happened to know how desirable it was to get away, but dared not drop any hint to his leader in the presence of the station-agent.

There were only two women present, clerks in the store, she believed, but the room was nearly filled with men. Among them were ranchers with faces darkened by the glare of the snow, some of them wearing shabby coats from which the fur was coming off, though the room was warm; a few railroad hands who laid sooty mittens on the table; the smart station-agent; a number of storekeepers and clerks.

It seemed to him that she could not fail to read in his face the profound and ardent wish to help her; to comfort and assure an uneasy and frightened spirit wandering in the night. He heard a little, soft sigh. "I don't know you," said the voice. "Do I?" "No," he answered soothingly as if to a child. "I'm the station-agent here. You must come in out of the wet." "Very well."

The station-agent reluctantly yielded; especially as a small green banknote figured in the transaction. Craig and I tenderly lifted the big bottles in their cases into our trap and drove back to our rooms in the hotel.

I think hit came afore ther high-water." "I reckon," murmured Halloway disappointedly, "I'll hev ter wait a spell an' see kin I git my man later on," and making that observation he settled into his chair with a seeming of permanent intent. Meanwhile, in the privacy of the baggage room, the station-agent was whispering excitedly to his companion.

And he is new, and awfully interesting even if he is only a station-agent." Wherefrom it will be perceived that her thoughts had veered from the cactus owl, to another perplexing local phenomenon. The glaring line of the railroad right-of-way rose before her feet, a discordant note of rigidity and order in the confused prodigality of desert growth.

"Our quaint young station-agent seems to have abandoned his responsibilities so far as I'm concerned," she observed. "Because he hasn't come to see you?" "Yes. He said he would." "I told him not to." "I see," said Io, after thinking it over. "Is he a little just a wee, little bit queer in his head?" "He's one of the sanest persons I've ever known. And I want him to stay so."

From what he tells me there was some sort of love-affair there. A girl who materialized from nowhere and spent two weeks, mostly with the romantic station-agent. Might have been a princess in exile, by my informant, who saw her twice. More likely some cheap little skate of a movie actress on a bust." "A station-agent's taste in women friends " began Marrineal, and forbore unnecessarily to finish.

At least he was giving directions in a growling voice as he bent over the sufferers. Banneker went to him. "Doctor?" he inquired. The other did not even look up. "Don't bother me," he snapped. The station-agent pushed his first-aid packet into the old man's hands. "Good!" grunted the other. "Hold this fellow's head, will you? Hold it hard."

It seemed impossible that she didn't care for Lord Ralles, and that she might care for me; but, after having had no hope whatsoever, the smallest crumb of a chance nearly lifted me off my feet. We had a consultation over what was best to be done, but didn't reach any definite conclusion till the station-agent brought me a telegram from the Postmaster-General. Breaking it open, I read aloud