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"Wal, the mate he went and had a talk with the cap'n; and they 'greed between 'em that Mr. More was to hold her in talk while the cap'n went and took observations in the state-room. "So, down the cap'n goes into the state-room to give a look at the box.

Although he had carried home a heavy heart, he braced himself to begin his task of keeping the family cheered up. "Off all right!" he announced, in a casual tone, as if he had just sent away the guests of a week. "Splendid train, jolly state-room, porter one of the 'Yassir, yassir' kind. Judge and Mrs. Van Camp were taking the same train as far as Chicago.

Soon, however, I dropped off into a doze, and must have remained asleep for over an hour. I awoke suddenly, and as I opened my eyes, I perceived that the door of the state-room was half-open, and a well-dressed Chinaman, in native costume, was looking in at me. He closed the door immediately, and I remained for a few moments paralyzed by the start that he had given me.

She laid the book open-faced upon her lap, and looked quickly up at Kenyon before answering. 'I saw him not so very long ago, but I don't know where he is now. Perhaps you will find him in his state-room; in fact, I think it more than likely that he is there. With that, Miss Brewster resumed her book.

He was confessing his ignorance, as well as lamenting it, when his companion's sweet face suddenly flushed. She advanced a step eagerly toward the open window of Spike's state-room, then compressed her full, rich under-lip with the ivory of her upper teeth, and stood a single instant, a beautiful statue of irresolution instigated by spirit.

"I'll teach you brutes to steal the beds of passengers on this boat. You dirty whelps, to presume to sleep in beds. Get down stairs and sleep on the wood-pile with the niggers," shouted the captain. If there was going to be any fuss about it, I didn't want to stay in the state-room.

We'll try to make you comfortable, and trust to me to choose a state-room, a thing I am experienced in." Not one of the wags laughed until they were fairly confronted with the oysters. Then, indeed, they burst out into a general and long fit of exuberant merriment, returning to it, between the courses from the kitchen, like the refrain of a song.

With which assurance Raleigh went ahead with his preparations, and within twelve hours the Gehenna was under way, carrying a full complement of crew and officers, with every state-room on board occupied by some spirit of the more illustrious kind.

Then, lulled by the motion of the ship and the sound of the wind and sea, I gradually sank into a feverish sleep, from which I did not fairly awake until the sun was streaming strongly in through the glazed scuttle of my state-room next morning. Shortly afterwards Pedro entered and bade me good-morning with a cheery smile.

The learned gentleman seemed to be astonished, and bore the missive to his state-room. Almost every one on board of the Josephine had a letter, and some had two or three. Paul had one from Grace, dated at Paris, in which she expressed a hope that, as she was to travel a few months with her father, she might see him in some of her wanderings.