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I spoke to the purser, who, at the moment perplexed by the crowd and clamor, answered: "I must put their names down for the other two berths of your state-room; but, as soon as the confusion is over, I will make some change whereby you shall not suffer." As soon as these two women were assigned to a state-room, they took possession, and I was left out.

But it really was pretty bad: what with the shadowy light in the state-room, for even with the port uncovered it still was dusky; and the horrid smell there; and the vividness with which the fellow somehow managed to make me feel those days and weeks of his half-crazy half-drunken life, while he and the other man stared at each other until neither of them could bear it any longer and so took to fighting from sheer heart-breaking horror of loneliness and killed each other out of hand.

I called Ben, and told them both enough to enable them to understand the situation, and that some of the later additions to our ship's company might be eavesdroppers. I asked them to keep an eye on the open windows of my state-room, and let me know if there were any skulking or loitering near them. Moses seated himself at one door of the engine-room, and Ben at the other.

Firmly resolved as I was to note our entrance into the harbor, I could not keep the place in mind; and while we were in our state-room and before we knew it, the steamboat Jay at the wharf. Shediac appeared to be nothing but a wharf with a railway train on it, and a few shanty buildings, a part of them devoted to the sale of whiskey and to cheap lodgings.

George had a letter from his uncle about him yesterday. I shouldn't wonder if that's where George has gone, to see his uncle and find out about it. In the meantime, Alfred has arrived. He's down in George's state-room now, having a brush-up. It'll amaze you, the likeness between them. You'll think it is George at first. Look! Here he comes."

Burton rose, intending to leave the tiny state-room; however, having gone but a few steps she heard the he same voice plead: "No, please don't leave me. I have been watching you and your friends ever since our ship sailed, and as I must talk to some one, I wish it to be you. If you only knew how sorry I am to have created a scene and to have given so much trouble, when everybody has been so kind."

The doctor has been watching him very carefully, and yesterday morning came to me and told me that Nolan was not so well, and had not left his state-room, a thing I never remember before. He had let the doctor come and see him as he lay there, the first time the doctor had been in the state-room, and he said he should like to see me.

"They're all in his state-room. If you'll come with me I'll show them to you." "Thanks," I said. "What I am chiefly interested in, just now, is the chronometer. Do you happen to know when it was last wound, Billy?" "Yes, sir," answered the boy; "last Sunday morning. Father used always to wind it every Sunday morning directly after breakfast." "Good!" I remarked.

With an overpowering instinct that his whole future happiness depended upon his next act, he made a step towards her, with eager outstretched hands. But she slightly lifted her own with a warning gesture, "I hear father coming you will have a chance to talk BUSINESS with him," she said, and vanished into her state-room. The heavy tread of Abner Nott echoed in the passage.

The Colonel, who included them in this world, and thereby brevetted them rich and fashionable, could not secure a state-room for them on the boat, a perfectly splendid Lake steamer, which would take them down the rapids of the St.