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His name was William Sinclair Hammersly, an' the' never was a squarer boy on the face o' the earth, after he'd shed off those spectator ways. He won my affections, as the storybooks say, before we was out o' sight o' Danders.

Now if you happen to be another type of workman, less affected by the modern scientific conclusions concerning life, you might reply as follows: "I feel very contented and humbly grateful to the Lord for all the benefits he has given us. I am well and strong, I have a better home, and better wages, and squarer treatment than workmen ever received in any country in the world.

Gradually, however, as his neighbours plied him with drink, his shoulders grew squarer, his back stiffened, his eyes brightened, and he looked about him, with an air of surprise at first, as if he had no clear recollection of how he came there, and afterwards with an expression of deepening interest, as he listened, with his ear scooped up in his hand, to the conversation around him.

I answers, 'Whadd'y mean the third? Then he looks me straight in the eye, and sings back, 'None of your business." Cronin shook his head. "I never seen a man with a squarer look, and yet he has me guessing. I goes back to the garage, over past Eighth Avenue, you know, where two johns come up along side o' me.

"They're square men, Locke & Green. I never worked for squarer men." This was pleasant to hear. Walter felt that he Had made no mistake in parting with his thirty Dollars. "Well, I must be going. Have you taken down my name?" "Yes, sir; Jerome Grigson." "Right. Say, I will look in some time to-morrow and bring in a check for four hundred and seventeen dollars. "Very well, sir." Mr.

This Pesky fellow is playing squarer than most would if he gives you warning to be ready with your six-gun. You take my advice, and you'll burn the wind out of this country. If you git this fellow, the whole pack of them will be on top of you, and don't you forget it, son." "So you advise me to cut and run, do you?" said Dick. "You bet." "That's what you'd do, is it?" "Sure thing.

It stated with precision that the Pacific Mail Company were about to form a depot there, in preference to Honolulu, and that they had already a station on the island. "I wonder who gives these directory men their information," Nares reflected. "Nobody can blame Trent after that. I never got in company with squarer lying; it reminds a man of a presidential campaign."

Across the man's back was slung a large violin, in its bag; and across the back of the boy hung a violin like that of the father, only shorter and fatter and squarer, and on his head was a huge woollen cap. He took it off and wiped the perspiration from his white forehead. The man looked down at him once more and halted. "Now, but we will rest here," he said gently.

"Say, fellows," cried Paul; "we've got to do something with these birds right away! First thing we know, one of them will get hit a squarer blow with the propeller and smash it. Then we'll crash as sure as I'm sitting here." This peril was very imminent, as all could see. John seized the shot-gun from its rack, and Tom one of the rifles. These were loaded.

This was beyond the seal rookery on the beach. Below it we entered an open cleft of some size to another squarer cave. It was now high tide; the water extended a scant ten fathoms to end on an interior shale beach. The cave was a perfectly straight passage following the line of the cleft.