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You can trust them. They are squarer with kids. I don't know why. At the Saratoga meeting that year there were a lot of men from home. Dave Williams and Arthur Mulford and Jerry Myers and others. Then there was a lot from Louisville and Lexington Henry Rieback knew but I didn't. They were professional gamblers and Henry Rieback's father is one too.

Their pits are of squarer shape than the neolithic ones, but otherwise similar. Their one-pronged pick retains the shape of the deer's antler. Their light is a candle stuck in a cup of chalk. And the ladder is just a series of ledges or, as they call them, "toes" in the wall, five feet apart and connected by foot-holes.

"No. I don't think it would do, Dominie. Anyway, I've got six without you." "Including Phil Stacey?" "Of course," retorted the Bonnie Lassie. "It was he who came to me for help. I'm really doing this for him." "I thought you were doing it for Barbran." "Oh; she's just a transposed Washington Squarer," answered the tyrant of Our Square. "Though she's a dear kiddie, too, underneath the nonsense."

She had reached the beginning of wrinkles and cheekbones and her wrists were squarer than they used to be. Thirty! a year older than Markham! Roses grown in hothouses are quick to fade. Would she fade, too, quickly? She went to the dressing-table and examined her face in a hand-mirror with assiduous care. Yes, crow's feet three of them at each eye, and two tiny wrinkles leading into her dimples.

The head is of the round Attic form, contrasting with the squarer Peloponnesian type; the face a fine oval. The lower part of the forehead between the temples is prominent; the nose not quite straight, but slightly arched at the middle. The whole expression is one of indescribable refinement and radiance.

Never was there a squarer sportsman, or a fairer, more conscientious and efficient official; nor a truer, more gallant type of real man than he. His early death took out of the game a man of the kind we can ill afford to lose and no tribute that I could pay him would be high enough. "One night after a Yale-Harvard game at Cambridge, I was boarding the midnight train for New York.

Now nothin' could be no squarer than that. 'How much money have you got, Jerry? says I, 'that's the first thing to know. 'I've got thirty-one hundred dollars even, says he, 'and that will be one thousand and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents apiece. I've got bills to pay to-morrow for lumber and bricks, and my third will pay 'em. If I don't I'll go to pieces.

"There's not a squarer, whiter man in the world than Rod Norton," he said emphatically. "Now good night and good luck, and be sure to drop in on us to-morrow." She watched him as he went swiftly down the street; then she turned into the hotel and down the hall, which echoed to the click of her heels, and to her room.

I never knew a squarer fellow." The Major, limbering up his wireless instruments, sent a message snap-snapping across the frozen expanse. "What you doing?" asked Barney. "Just letting that foxy old rival of mine know I got his message and that I'm on the job," chuckled the Major. "I'll get off other messages every three hours for a time."

Woodhull perhaps had the better of it by a few pounds in weight, and forsooth looked less slouchy out of his clothes than in them. His was the long and sinewy type of muscle. He was in hard condition. Banion, two years younger than his rival, himself was round and slender, thin of flank, a trace squarer and fuller of shoulder.