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The truth thus reached is not the formulæ of the Calculus, nor the verbiage of the Dialectic, still less the events of history, but that which gives what validity they have to all of these, and moreover imparts to the will and the conscience their power to govern conduct. I., s. 162. Sermons, p. 155. Bd. I., ss. 165, sqq.

Pliny, Naturalis Historia xxviii. 33 sq. Rev. Pliny, Naturalis Historia, xxix. 52-54. Compare W.W. Skeat, "Snakestones and Stone Thunderbolts," Folk-lore, xxiii. pp. 45 sqq. The rings thus generated, are called Gleineu Nadroeth; in English, Snake-stones.

/Political History of England/, vol. v., 280-1. Ehses, op. cit., p. xxxi., sqq. Brewer, /Reign of Hen. VIII./, ii., 346-51. Ehses, 120-5. Brewer, op. cit., 466-7. /Pol. Hist. of England/, v., 301. /Letters and Papers, Henry VIII./, iv., 64-78. Rymer, /Foedera/, xiv., 405. Ehses, op. cit., 163-4. Ehses, 167 sqq. Gairdner, /Lollardy and the Reformation/, i., 300. Gairdner, /Hist. of Eng.

Events which in the meantime had convulsed Italy took Lucretia back to Rome, she having spent but a single year in Pesaro. Pesaro, 1771. Regarding Collenuccio see the works of his compatriot Giulio Perticari, Opp. Bologna, 1837. Vol. ii, 52 sqq. Early in September, 1494, Charles VIII marched into Piedmont, and the affairs of all Italy suffered an immediate change.

As to the fire-drill see The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, ii. 207 sqq. See above, pp. 154, 156, 157, 159 sq. Census of India, 1911, vol. xiv. Punjab, Part i. So in the north-east of Scotland "those who were born with their feet first possessed great power to heal all kinds of sprains, lumbago, and rheumatism, either by rubbing the affected part, or by trampling on it.

F.S. Krauss, op. cit. p. 319, quoting Wisla, vol. iv. pp. 1, 244 sqq. F.S. Krauss, op. cit. p. 318, quoting Oskar Kolberg, in Mazowsze, vol. iv. p. 138. F.S. Krauss, "Slavische Feuerbohrer," Globus, lix. p. 140. The evidence quoted by Dr. Krauss is that of his father, who often told of his experience to his son. Prof. Vl.

It is somewhat remarkable that the tenth, not the first, day of the first month should be reckoned New Year's Day. E. Westermarck, "Midsummer Customs in Morocco," Folk-lore, xvi. pp. 40-42. E. Westermarck, "Midsummer Customs in Morocco," Folk-lore, xvi. , pp. 42 sq., 46 sq.; id., Ceremonies and Beliefs connected with Agriculture, etc., in Morocco, pp. 99 sqq. See The Scapegoat, pp. 166 sq.

LXV, p. 75. LXIX., pp. 80 sqq. contains the account of Malbaie in 1750. The authority for the burning of Malbaie in 1759 is Sir James M. Le Moine, "The Explorations of Jonathan Oldbuck," Quebec, 1889, based upon documents printed by "T.C." in L'Abeille, Nov. and Dec., 1859.

Dodd-Tierney, ii., App. xxv. Gairdner, /Heretics Painted mostly by Themselves/, op. cit., iv., 305 sqq. Gairdner, /Hist. of Eng. Church in Sixteenth Century/, 348. Gairdner, op. cit., 370-7. Haile, /Life of Cardinal Pole/, 476-83. See bibliography, chap. ii., iii. /Publications of the English Catholic Record Society/, 1904-14. Birt, O.S.B., /The Elizabethan Religious Settlement/, 1907.

John's wort at Midsummer, see below, vol. ii. pp. 54 sqq. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 517 sq. From information supplied by Mr. Sigurd K. Heiberg, engineer, of Bergen, Norway, who in his boyhood regularly collected fuel for the fires. I have to thank Miss Anderson, of Barskimming, Mauchline, Ayrshire, for kindly procuring the information for me from Mr. Heiberg.