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As many sealers should now be in this part of the Gulf, we should always be upon the watch for them." "I think," said Waring, "that we ought to keep one man as a lookout on the highest ice in the vicinity." "Pity the great iceberg so far off," added Regnar. "Sposum wind hold north-west, and ice keep packed, why not go down to-morrow and look alound?" asked Peter, quietly.

The decoys of iron and wood, and even those of fir-twigs, of which they had added some three dozen, were piled into the boats, and taking hold at the painter of the largest, they soon trundled the heavy load to the thickest part of the field. "Sposum we get Davies's box and 'coys too. Then we makum camp, have plenty wood too. Spose field break up, loosem sartin," said Peter. "You're right.

I know it; but what for sposum voice there? Then track go that way. Ole man lose way, spose." "Perhaps he has fallen in, Peter. Come, let's go." And catching a rope near him, and forgetting to lay down the cumbrous gun, Charley ran towards the incessant and evidently-agonized cries, Peter following with an axe and a light fish-spear.

"Sposum you no want boat-hook, me make draw-knife of him. He steel, I s'pose." "Yes, Peter. The spike is very fine steel, I believe, as I told the blacksmith I wanted it light and sharp. If you want it you can have it; that is, if you feel sure you can make a knife." "Mos' all Ingin make own knife. You never see Ingin knife in store.

"We'll have a hotel here yet, and supply passengers by the mail-boat with hot dinners." "Sposum me have knife, I help you. Leave waghon home yesterday for hould woman make baskets," said Peter, ruefully. "I guess we shall manage with the axes, although we need a knife like your Indian draw-knife. Reach me a large decoy, and the heaviest of those cod-leads."

The Indian's brow contracted a little, and instantly relaxed, as he answered, "That not fox track at all; that Indian dog, I guess. Martin Mitchell have dog; lun alound like that. No good dog that. Sposum mine, kill um." "Yes, Peter, I've no doubt you'd like to kill that dog very well. See, he finds his own living for himself. He killed a goose here last night, I see.

"Sposum tide turn, ice lun down to capes, then get ashore," said Peter, confidently. La Salle drew out his watch. "It was high tide at four o'clock, and it is now nearly seven. Peter, just climb to the top of the berg, and see how we drift."

And the one-armed hunter plied the light axe with a haste which showed no small amount of anxiety. The boat was soon clear, but the snow was falling so fast that they could scarcely see to windward at all, and no part of the land was visible. Again the Indian spoke, and a new cause of anxiety was stated. "Where sposum boys this time? See boat little hile ago. No see any now. They no see hice.