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The silvery sound of its bell often reminded her of the flight of Time, and her caro sposo of the effects of it on his inconstant heart, long before her mirror told her of the ravages of the tyrant.

The thing would be for us all to come on donkeys, Jane, Miss Bates, and me and my caro sposo walking by. I really must talk to him about purchasing a donkey.

The Child in her arms is always, in the Greek and early pictures, clothed in a little tunic, generally white. In the fifteenth century he first appears partly, and then wholly, undraped. Joseph, as the earthly sposo, wears the saffron-coloured mantle over a gray tunic. In the later schools of art these significant colours are often varied, and sometimes wholly dispensed with.

Tuscans and Romans, who between them I believe Lingua Toscano in Bocca Romana, you remember know how to speak their own tongue, find Neapolitans totally unintelligible. For myself, and I speak for mio sposo as well, I do not want to understand what Romans do not understand. La bella lingua is sufficient for me."

The evidence in rebuttal will knock you higher than Haman. I've just got hold of it I'll explain in the morning. It seems that your pretty client has been hoodwinking caro sposo for two years all the time looking like a Botticello angel, all pure soul and sublimated thought, dressed always in shades of gray pearl gray, Penn!" laughed Flagg; "a dove with the heart of a There's the bell!

Lord Albemarle, you know, has disappointed all his brothers and my niece; and Lord Fitzwilliam is declared sposo to Lady Charlotte Ponsonby. It is a pretty match, and makes Lord Besborough as happy as possible. Masquerades proceed in spite of Church and King.

First went the sposa and comare with the mothers of bride and bridegroom. Then followed the sposo and the bridesmaid. After them I was made to lead my fair tormentor. As we descended the staircase there arose a hubbub of excitement from the crowd on the canals. The gondolas moved turbidly upon the face of the waters. The bridegroom kept muttering to himself, 'How we shall be criticised!

The wives thus left in town to deplore their husbands' infatuation, are termed "grass-widows" a mining expression. MY wedding-trip was to be to England, and the marriage was to take place, and myself and CARO SPOSO to leave Australia before my brother departed for the Ovens diggings. The 'C , a fine East Indiaman, then lying in the bay, was bound for London.

Onorina Pedrotti, who might have hated the Consul if she had been altogether scorned, loved her sposo no less, and perhaps more, when she know that he had loved. Women allow precedence in love affairs. All is well if other women are in question.

However, that's nothing compared to her caro sposo, for he is utterly insufferable; so solemn, and so dull! so stately and so tiresome! Mortimer, too, gets worse and worse; O 'tis a sad tribe! I dare say he will soon grow quite as horrible as his father. Don't you think so?" "Why indeed, no, I don't think there's much resemblance," said Cecilia, with some hesitation.