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The gentlemen threw off their coats a pleasant liberty of which I availed myself, and was immediately more at ease. I observed that some cavaliers by special permission were allowed to remove their partners' slippers. This was not my lucky fate. My comare had not advanced to that point of intimacy. Healths began to be drunk.

She called down, "What is that upon your hand, Tonino? Jesus Christ! the boat is full of blood!" "It is nothing, comare," the young fellow replied. "I tore my hand against a nail that was sticking out too far; it will be well to- morrow. It is only this confounded ready blood of mine, that always makes a thing look worse than it is." "Let me come and bind it up, comparello.

The gentlemen threw off their coats a pleasant liberty of which I availed myself, and was immediately more at ease. I observed that some cavaliers by special permission were allowed to remove their partners' slippers. This was not my lucky fate. My comare had not advanced to that point of intimacy. Healths began to be drunk.

By that time we had come to be compare and comare to each other the sequel of some clumsy piece of jocularity. It was a heavy entertainment, copious in quantity, excellent in quality, plainly but well cooked. I remarked there was no fish. The widow replied that everybody present ate fish to satiety at home. They did not join a marriage feast at the San Gallo, and pay their nine francs, for that!

By that time we had come to be compare and comare to each other the sequel of some clumsy piece of jocularity. It was a heavy entertainment, copious in quantity, excellent in quality, plainly but well cooked. I remarked there was no fish. The widow replied that everybody present ate fish to satiety at home. They did not join a marriage feast at the San Gallo, and pay their nine francs, for that!

Stop one moment; I will go and fetch the herbs, and come to you directly." "Never trouble yourself, comare. It has been dressed already; to- morrow morning it will be all over and forgotten. I have a healthy skin, that heals directly." "Addio!" said Laurella, turning to the path that goes winding up the cliffs.

Behind came the curate with another Franciscan and some Spaniards. With the curate were some other people who make it their business to escort the friars. "May God reward them in another life," said the old man, referring to them as he walked away from Maria Clara's party. The performance began with Chananay and Marianito in Crispinoé la Comare.

First went the sposa and comare with the mothers of bride and bridegroom. Then followed the sposo and the bridesmaid. After them I was made to lead my fair tormentor. As we descended the staircase there arose a hubbub of excitement from the crowd on the canals. The gondolas moved turbidly upon the face of the waters. The bridegroom kept muttering to himself, 'How we shall be criticised!

Men danced with men, women with women, little boys and girls together. The gallery whirled with a laughing crowd. There was plenty of excitement and enjoyment not an unseemly or extravagant word or gesture. My comare careered about with a light mænadic impetuosity, which made me regret my inability to accept her pressing invitations.

Donizetti, as we have seen, enriched the repertory of opera buffa with several masterpieces of gay and brilliant vivacity, but few of the lighter works of his contemporaries deserve permanent record. The story is a happy combination of farce and féerie. Crispino, a half-starved cobbler, is about to throw himself into a well, when La Comare, a fairy, rises from it and bids him desist.