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We've been such splendid chums all our lives, I really don't see why we should begin to be anything different now. Besides, Dick" there was appeal in her voice "I don't truly want to get married. It seems such a silly thing to go and do when one had such really jolly times without. It does spoil things so." Derrick sat up. He was still absurdly boyish, despite his four-and-twenty years.

"Only let me alone and don't thwart me, or you'll spoil everything." Roger waited, expectant and apprehensive. He had not to wait long. They stayed a week in Cairo, and at the end of that time the Countess de Mattos had accepted an invitation to go yachting; not for a day, but for a vague period of "dawdling," as Virginia evasively expressed it.

"I shall have to think it over a spell." David turned his eyes toward his mother in wonder in utter perplexity, but said nothing. "There! I'll have to tell it after all; and I hope it won't just spoil my pleasure in it; but I shouldn't wonder. The money ain't mine hasn't been for quite a spell.

He's not a bit worse than Brita's Carl, whom she is helping to spoil just as fast as she can." "Well, that's her way," replied the father, paying no attention to the latter part of the remark. "She was brought up that way herself, and that's the way she brought up the four of us." He was evidently in high good-humour and did what Keith had never seen him do before when no company was present.

She wrote to Christopher, after many attempts. "We have been such good, good friends. And we mustn't spoil it. Perhaps if you could go away for a time, it would be best for both of us. I am going to believe that some day you will find great happiness. And you would never have found happiness with me, you would have found only fear.

But she did not spoil these familiar friends; she had for them none of those endearing names, none of the foolish tenderness which women seem to lavish on the soft fur of a purring cat. She governed these beasts with authority; she reigned. She was indeed an old maid one of those old maids with a harsh voice and angular motions, whose very soul seems to be hard.

He is a thrifty city gentleman, who, with all his fashionable airs, is afraid to spoil his hat. That pretty woman yonder, on the contrary, whose looks are so modest, and whose dress is so elaborate, slackens her pace with the increasing storm. She seems to find pleasure in braving it, and does not think of her velvet cloak spotted by the hail! She is evidently a lioness in sheep's clothing.

Reading and writing may be good for some countries, but as far as I see here, reading and writing spoil them here, for every man one comes across who can sign his name is intent either on filling his pocket, or on working some scheme or other for his own advantage.

She could, however, in case of personal need, resort to Davis as desired by him. So she got out her desk in the drawing-room and sat down and wrote her letter. It was difficult, though she found that it hardly took so long as she expected. It was difficult, for she felt bound to tell him the truth; and yet she was anxious not to spoil all his pleasure among his friends.

The moth may fret your present, or the tailor may spoil it in cutting it, but the present which Jesus has made you is out of reach of the spoiler, and ready for present wear. Let me beseech you, my dear friend, to accept of this heavenly present as I accept of your earthly one. I did not send you one farthing to purchase it; it came unsought, unasked, unexpected, as the seed of the woman came.