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"Sometimes I think you'd better have had Miss Patch. I hope she 'ain't got your sleeves too tight at the elbows." "They seem to fit very nicely, grandma." "Sleeves are very particular things; a sleeve wrong can spoil a whole dress." Suddenly the old woman turned on Ellen with a look of extremest facetiousness and intelligence, and the girl winced, for she knew what was coming.

But, oh! how great materials for a triumph were then lost by a storm, when the Roman fleet, richly laden with spoil, and driven by contrary winds, covered with its wreck the coasts of Africa and the Syrtes, and of all the islands lying amid those seas! A great calamity!

Thus was Egypt enriched with the spoil of nations, and made formidable for a thousand years. Rameses was the last of the Pharaohs who pursued the phantom of military renown, or sought glory in distant expeditions. We are in ignorance as to the details of the conquests and the generals who served under Rameses.

In the west especially, where Goring commanded, universal spoil and havoc were committed; and the whole country was laid waste by the rapine of the army. All distinction of parties being in a manner dropped, the most devoted friends of the church and monarchy wished there for such success to the parliamentary forces as might put an end to these oppressions.

He whispered to his sister-in-law: "It will never do to spoil Caesar's good-humor under your roof for the sake of such people," and Berenike had only time to reply, "I am not afraid of him," when the messenger explained to her that Caesar himself was prevented from coming, but that his representatives, charged with his apologies, were close at hand.

He had been held to her by a beautiful thread which it pained him to spoil by breaking, rather than by a chain he could not break. "I should be even better pleased to go at once." he added. "Go at once then, in Heaven's name!" said she,her eyes flashing at his, though never meeting them. "Don't let me see your face any more." "Very well, Miss Everdene so it shall be."

"Give our best regards to Davy Jones!" shouted one of the football men. "If you go down to the bottom of Chesapeake Bay, and can't get up again, don't do anything to spoil the fishing," called another middy. By this time Dave Darrin and his mates were outside and on their way to the basin.

Maria was as yet not wholly controlled by herself. "Why, you'll spoil that daisy," Lily said, wonderingly. She herself was incapable of any such retaliation upon inanimate objects. She would have carefully untangled her silk, no matter how deeply she suffered. "I don't care if I do!" cried Maria. "Why, Maria!" "Well, I don't care.

What on earth brings this Yankee idiot here at this time to spoil everything? Now, Teddy, the long and short of this business is, that you must stir yourself. You've shuffled long enough. First of all you were going to marry the widow; you boggled that. Then you were going to succeed to the property; you've boggled that. Then you were to clear the tutor out of the way; you've boggled that.

"I can spoil Don Juan's pretty looks, I guess!" snarled Scott. "That'll be something." "Hold on give me some more of that whiskey before you go. Thanks. Now go and get your fool head shot off if you want to." With a growl of rage, Scott flung out of the house. He strode in the direction of the store where the prisoners still stood helplessly.