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He pressed his face quite close to the window, thinking that he must be mistaken in seeing such unconnected letters as T-i-b-i, but gradually they looked clearer to him and he read distinctly "Tibi splendet focus." "Somebody knows his Horace," thought Henry Lord, Ph.D., as he stumbled off the piazza.

I see misery as near beyond two thousand crowns a year as if it stood close by me; for besides that it is in the power of chance to make a hundred breaches to poverty through the greatest strength of our riches there being very often no mean betwixt the highest and the lowest fortune: "Fortuna vitrea est: turn, quum splendet, frangitur," Ex Mim.

I am trying to do for Gilbert and Cyril what an elder brother would do, but I should have been powerless if I had not had this home and this fireside to inspire me!" "Tibi splendet focus!" quoted Mrs. Carey, pointing to Olive's inscription under the mantelpiece. "For you the hearth fire glows!" "Have I not felt it from the beginning?" asked Ralph. "I never knew my mother, Mrs.

As Horace tells us: "Vivitur parvo bene, cui paternum Splendet in mensa tenui salinum Nec leves somnos timor aut cupido Sordidus aufert." These four villages were all built two centuries or more ago, when the Cotswolds were the centre of much life and activity and the days of agricultural depression were not known.

Non ille repexam Caesariem Regum, nec candida virginis ornat Colla, nec insigni splendet per cingula morsu. Sed nova si nigri videas miracula saxi, Tum pulcros superat cultus, et quidquid Eois Indus litoribus rubra scrutatur in alga. CLAUDIANUS, xlviii. 10.