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On the 27th of that month, he addressed a letter from Ghent to John of Osnabruck, president of the Chamber of Spiers, stating his abdication in favor of Ferdinand, and requesting that in the interim the same obedience might be rendered to Ferdinand, as could have been yielded to himself.

*In a little. Carefully. *Not difficult. Wages paid in money. "With joy unfeign'd, brothers and sisters meet, An' each for other's weelfare kindly spiers:* The social hours, swift-wing'd, unnotic'd, fleet; Each tells the uncos that he sees or hears; The parents, partial, eye their hopeful years; Anticipation forward points the view.

The letters I can't understand the letters! Arnold passed it to him silently. Mr. Weatherley turned over the pages rapidly. At May 4, he stopped. "Yes, yes! I remember this!" he exclaimed. "Twenty barrels of apples, Spiers & Pond. Fifty hams to Coswell's. I remember this. But what " His finger went down the page. He turned over rapidly, page after page. The entries went on.

Therefore, when he stood for Renfrewshire, on the death of Captain Spiers, he declared his devotion to the Ballot unsolicited. Of the success of Mr. Bruce's administration at the Home Office, different and conflicting opinions are inevitably entertained. The post is one of great importance. Its holder stands above every other Secretary of State.

I am so tired of seeing notable things that I almost wish that whatever else is remarkable in Oxford could be obliterated in some similar manner. From the Bodleian we went to which was likewise closed; but the woman who had it in charge had formerly been a servant of Mr. Spiers, and he so overpersuaded her that she finally smiled and admitted us.

And when undisciplined fanatics of the lowest order, under the guidance of Peter the Hermit and Walter the Penniless, were fired with the spirit of the Crusades, fearful massacres of Jews were perpetrated in Treves, Metz, Spiers, Worms, and Cologne. Everywhere the tracks of the Crusaders were deeply marked with Jewish blood.

Heresy and False Interpretation, like sisters of Bohemia, apparelled in silk of divers colours. The heretic Luther, like a party friar, in russet damask and black taffety. Luther's wife, like a frow of Spiers in Almayn, in red silk. Peter, Paul, and James, in habits of white sarsnet, and three red mantles, and lace of silver and damask, and pelisses of scarlet. A Cardinal in his apparel.

Never knew you late in my life," giving him a hearty slap on the back. "Mr. Spiers, I'm werry 'appy to see you. You are just what a sporting publisher ought to be punctuality itself. Now, gentlemen, dispose of your tiles, and come upstairs to Mrs. J , and let's get you introduced." "I fear we are late, Mr.

And she had a hantle to speir at me aboot; and it took a' the knowledge I had o' buiks in general to answer her questions. In fac I was whiles compelled to confess my ignorance, which is no pleesant whan a man wants to stan' weel wi' a bonny crater that spiers questons. Whan she gaed, I gaed efter her, followin' aboot at her i' my thochts, I mean like a hen efter her ae chucken.

The morning after our excursion on the Thames was as bright and beautiful as many preceding ones had been. After breakfast S and I walked a little about the town, and bought Thomas a Kempis, in both French and English, for U . . . . Mr. De la Motte, the photographer, had breakfasted with us, and Mr. Spiers wished him to take a photograph of our whole party.