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Brenda Macrae from Pettybaw House was Fairly Fair; Jamie, Sir Patrick Spens; Ralph, King Alexander of Dunfermline; Mr. Anstruther, Bonnie Glenlogie, 'the flower o' them a'; Mr. Macdonald and Miss Dalziel, Young Hynde Horn and the king's daughter Jean respectively. "Oh, it's Hynde Horn fair, and it's Hynde Horn free; Oh, where were you born, and in what countrie?"

"I hereby swear," said Wearyworld, authoritatively, "that this is no the Egyptian. Signed, Peter Spens, policeman, called by the vulgar, Wearyworld. Mr. Dishart, you can pass, unless you'll bide a wee and gie us your crack." "You have not found the gypsy, then?" Gavin asked. "No," the other policeman said, "but we ken she's within cry o' this very spot, and escape she canna."

Besides, she knows Mr. Spens; he has been our excellent man of business for years. But come, Fluff, I am not going to talk over weighty matters with you. Have you brought your guitar? If so, we'll go into the south parlor and have some music." "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight good nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen excellent! Oh, how out of breath I am, and how hot it is!

"Would it," said Frances, "would it be possible to induce your client to defer the sale till after my father's death? Indeed indeed indeed, I speak the truth when I say I do not think he will have long to wait for his money. Could he be induced to wait, Mr. Spens, if the matter were put to him very forcibly?"

"As I was saying, I happen to love 'Sir Patrick Spens, it is my favourite ballad; so, with your permission, I will take the gown, and you can find something less valuable for a sail!" I could never understand just why Francesca was so annoyed at being discovered in our innocent game.

Spens, that if he will hold over the sale of the Firs until after my father's death, I will engage to let him have five per cent. on his money? I have to-day accepted the post of companion to Mrs. Carnegie, of Arden. For this I am to have a salary of three hundred pounds a year." "Bless me!" said the lawyer. "Such a sacrifice! Why! that woman can't keep even a servant about her.

"What business has he to befriend a woman that belongs to another denomination? I'll see to the bottom o' that this nicht. Lads, follow me to Nanny's, and dinna be surprised if we find baith the minister and the Egyptian there." They had not advanced many yards when Spens jumped to the side, crying, "Be wary, that's no the wind; it's a machine!"

So seldom in a lifetime had any one seen into this man's heart that Spens said, amazed: "Tammas, Tammas Whamond, it's no like you to break down." The rusty door of Whamond's heart swung to. "Who broke down?" he asked fiercely. "Let no member of this Session dare to break down till his work be done." "What work?" Tosh said uneasily. "We canna interfere."

There was every probability that the proposal she had made to Mr. Spens would be accepted, and if that were so she had much to do during the coming week. She rose at her usual early hour, and, going down-stairs, occupied herself first in the house, and then with Watkins in the garden.

July and August were occupied in the Orange River Colony by energetic operations of Spens' and Rimington's columns in the midland districts, and by a considerable drive to the north-eastern corner, which was shared by three columns under Elliot and two under Plumer, with one under Henry and several smaller bodies.