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In the knapsack he packed a fresh change of clothing and the new safety razor, but no books, for he was past the need of them. That done, he drove to his solicitors. "What like a firm are Glendonan and Speirs in Edinburgh?" he asked the senior partner. "Oh, very respectable. Very respectable indeed. Regular Edinburgh W.S. Lot. Do a lot of factoring."

So that's the end o' the guid stock o' Kennedy o' Huntingtower, whae hae been great folk sin' the time o' Robert Bruce. And noo the Hoose is shut up till the lawyers can get somebody sae far left to himsel' as to tak' it on lease, and in thae dear days it's no' just onybody that wants a muckle castle." "Who are the lawyers?" Dickson asked. "Glendonan and Speirs in Embro.

The lesse play the better. They that speirs meikle will get wot of part. There is meikle between word and deed. There are mae wayes to the wood nor ane. The blind Horse is hardiest. The mae the merrier, the fewer the better cheer. They are good willy of their Horse that hes none. Three may keep counsel if twa be away. They put at the Cairt, that is ay gangan. Twa wits is better nor ane.

"And are things no better," asked Cosmo, "since the present lord succeeded?" "No a hair 'cep' it be 'at there's no sae mony ill words fleein' aboot the place. My lord never sets his nose intil the gairden, or speirs no ance in a twal month, hoo's things gangin' on.

It all seemed to me horribly unfresh. Both ladies provide much simple amusement to the townsfolk with their clothes and their antics." "I know the Speirs type," said Pamela. "Foolish virgins." "Next to Woodside is Craigton," went on Jean, "and there live three spinsters the very best brand of spinsters the Duncans, Miss Mary, Miss Janet, and Miss Phemie.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Was it a dwam?" he inquired. "I get them whiles." "It was a dwam, but I think it has passed." He still rubbed his eyes, and peered about him, like a big collie dog that has lost its master. "Who is it that speirs?" he said. "I ken the voice, but I havena heard it this long time." "One who is well acquaint with Borrowstoneness and the links of Forth," said I.

Says she, 'I wonder to hear ye, Gavin, but 'am no goin' to agree to naething o' that sort. "'Think it ower, says Gavin. "'Na, my mind's made up, said she. "'Ye would sune get anither man, he says, earnestly. "'Hoo do I ken that? she speirs, rale sensibly, I thocht, for men's no sae easy to get.

"Sit down, Mr. McCunn. Take the arm-chair by the fire. I've had a wire from Glendonan and Speirs about you. I was just going to have a glass of toddy a grand thing for these uncertain April nights. You'll join me? No? Well, you'll smoke anyway. There's cigars at your elbow. Certainly, a pipe if you like. This is Liberty Hall."

Lizzie's eyes were full upon him, and it seemed to them that each could see and taste the essence of the other's thought. "What have you been doing ever since? You have told me nothing about yourself." "Well, after trying vainly to find you having searched, as I thought, all Speirs and Pond's establishments in London, I tried to resign myself to my fate.

His fierce mustachios, jersey, boots and cutlass made him a terrifying sight, while his Adjutant, Speirs, made a most fascinating young girl, with whom even Generals showed a disposition to fall in love. The Flying Corps were of course in evidence and the squadron stationed behind us turned out en masse, including their energetic juggler.