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"I am afraid you are too sanguine, sergeant," said I. "Not at all, your honour: you will not find ten living men in the whole fort that our shells have not destroyed. If you do, call Paddy Dogan a spalpeen." "Well," I answered, "we shall see, sergeant." "Fait!" said he, "that's more than they will; it would do their dead eyes good to take a peep at our brave boys getting up the breach."

"Your political sentiments do you great credit," began Mr. Wood. "But fwhot's the Government to do wid the appale?" "The Government," said Mr. Wood significantly, "will be represented by the District Attorney." "And who's the spalpeen?" "It is rumored," said Mr. Wood, slowly, "that a new one is to be appointed. I, myself, have had some ambition that way."

He scrambled to his feet and climbed the dump, until able to lean far over and look down into the black mouth of the uncovered shaft. "Got yer b-b-bucket full, M-M-Mike?" he questioned, sending his deep, sputtering voice far down into the depths below. "Oi have thot," came the disgusted response from out the darkness. "Ye measly spalpeen, ain't Oi bin shakin' of the rope fer twinty minutes?

And what did the ould lady say then?" "She told me I needn't come there again to work." "I'm glad you're not goin', mother. I don't want you to work for the likes of her. Let her do her own ironin', the ould spalpeen!" In general, Andy's speech was tolerably clear of the brogue, but whenever he became a little excited, as at present, it was more marked.

I suppose me old swateheart," he added, as he stooped down and patted the head of his horse, "that ye've been living so high here for two or three days that ye're too fat to be good for anything. Come, up wid ye, ye old spalpeen!"

Get up, Micky Donoghue, you big, burnt-shinn'd spalpeen you, and let the dacent boy sit at the fire." "Hulabaloo hoo-hoo-hoo to go to give me such a welt, only for sitting at the fire, and me brought turf wid me." "To-day, Tim?" "Yes, sir." "At dinner time, is id?" "Yes, sir." "Faith, the dacent strain was always in the same family."

"Ah, if I only had me gun," was the regret that naturally came to him; "I would quickly settle with the spalpeen that stole old Brindle, and now wants to run away wid me." It will be admitted that the situation of Terry was peculiar, for he was quite close to the warrior, who, there was every reason to believe, was hunting for him, and who was so nigh that there was imminent danger of discovery.

He did so it's the truth I'm tellin' ye, that's the very way he said it." "I'll show him different then," repeated Peter. "I wisht I'd thought of it first off the way he'd have seen it." "An' what's that, sir?" "You'll soon see. 'Pon me word, I wisht I had him there now in his bed, the ould raskil, the way I could do on him what he's wishin' his spalpeen of a son had done on me.

Two minutes later Whalen made a sudden leap forward, seizing the suspected young man by the coat collar. "Stand by, till I shake ye down!" roared the policeman, thrashing the thief about until the slim one's teeth chattered. A small morocco purse fell to the sidewalk. "Why, that's mine!" cried a woman. "I know it, ma'am. I saw this spalpeen take it from your pocket," nodded Policeman Whalen.

Run, ye divil ye! run!" he cried as he facilitated the departure of the line, which was going out at a famous rate. "Bedad! he's a fine mikroptheros! Whisht! he's stopped. Take that, ye spalpeen ye!" As he said this he gave his rod a strong jerk, that brought the line up with a "zip" out of the water in a long ridge, and the old bamboo cane bent until it cracked.