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There is Dicky Ryan, who, as I tould him yesterday, had just the same chances as you have had, just Dicky Ryan still. I tould him he ought to blush down to his boots." "And what did he say, O'Grady?" "The young spalpeen had the impudence to say that there was I, Captain O'Grady, just the same as when he first joined, and, barring the loss of an arm, divil a bit the better.

"And d'ye mane to call me an ould chate, ye spalpeen, ye!" indignantly replied the landlady, her face growing red with anger, while she raised her huge fist and shook it at her terrified guest, who retreated back into the parlour, and sank, trembling, into a chair. "As if I wasn't an honest woman," continued the virago, following Mrs. Lane. "As if I'd extort on a lone woman! Give me patience!

"'Good again, says Jack; 'if I fail I know my doom. "'No, you don't, you spalpeen, says the other, getting vexed with him entirely, 'for I'll roast you till you're half dead, and ate my dinner off you after; and, what is more than that, you blackguard, you must sing the 'Black Joke' all the time for my amusement.

All them things are cheerful, and make the occasion very plisant. Begorrah, I should like to know where that old redskin is, for Soot Simpson tells me that he is the greatest redskin down in this part of the world. He's the spalpeen that robbed a government train and made himself a big blanket out of the new greenbaeks that he stole.

"Begorra, but isn't he a bouncer?" whispered Tim, coming to a halt. "I niver looked upon as big a one." "Has he hurt Billy?" asked Warren, who, as will be remembered, was a few paces behind him while making the brief run. "He has scared him out of ten years' growth, and it's mesilf that's going to pay the same compliment to the spalpeen." "Be careful, Tim!

The poor woman turned and left the place, with a heavy heart, and Ragged Pete, deeming this a good opportunity to begin hostilities, advanced to the bar with a swagger, and said to the Irishman, 'You're too hard upon that woman, Pat. 'What's that to you, ye dirty spalpeen? growled Mulligan, savagely.

"I'd rather be a colonel, father," replied Patrick, musing. "The colonel's to come, you spalpeen," said the Squireen. "And the fortune to make, I expect," replied Patrick. "You've just hit it but haven't you the whole world before you to pick and choose?" "Well," replied Patrick, after a pause; "I've no objection." "No objection! Why don't you jump out of your skin with delight?

'Why, you ignorant spalpeen, says he, 'you mane, niggarly ignoramush, says he, 'where did you lave your manners? says he. 'If I am dead, it's no fault iv mine, says he; 'an' it's not to be thrun in my teeth at every hand's turn, by the likes iv you, says he, stampin' his foot an the flure, that you'd think the boords id smash undher him.

The hat was riddled for him in the same way. "Well, now, that's grand; but I think if the other skirt was tore, they couldn't say a word then." "Why, you omadhaun! haven't you enough of it? Give me the rint. Do you think I have any more powder and ball to be wasting on you, you spalpeen?"

Softly raising the hammer of his rifle, he lifted the weapon to his shoulder; but before he could make his aim certain, the red scamp stepped aside and vanished from view. "Now, that's enough to break a man's heart!" wailed the chagrined Mickey. "Why wasn't the spalpeen thoughtful and kind enough to wait until I could have made sartin of him?