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The simple device of abandoning any but a few windows, and those set high, gives the wall space of the long corridors to books; the middle part of the train is indeed a comfortable library with abundant armchairs and couches, each with its green-shaded light, and soft carpets upon the soundproof floor.

He was inclined to joke and tease, she thought; but with it all he had the kindliest manner and most humorous mouth in the world. He turned to Ruth when the door was shut, and asked seriously: "My dear, is Miss Gray where she can hear us talk?" "Why, no, sir," replied Ruth, surprised. "The door is shut and it is a soundproof door, I am certain." "Very well.

From that side the pinkish tint of the surface was quite pronounced. Before going any lower the doctor, struck with an idea, declared: "We always want to remember that this car is perfectly soundproof. Suppose we open the outer door of the vestibule. I imagine we'll learn something peculiar."

"What's happening, Mark?" It was Lillian; she must have just come out of the soundproof speech-lab. "You know them; the pair in the queue, this afternoon. I think we've annexed a couple of friendly natives." They all went outside. The two natives, having come into the camp, had stopped.

"I shall come back to the letters. That is not the worst. I've had threatening letters before. Have you noticed this room?" We had both seen and been impressed by it. "Let me tell you more about it," he went on. "It was designed especially to be, among other things, absolutely soundproof." We gazed curiously about the strong room. It was beautifully decorated and furnished.

They looked around the lab Lillian had been using at one end of the headquarters hut. "This won't do," the girl Navy officer said. "We can't get a quarter of the apparatus we're going to need in here. We'll have to build something." Dave Questell was drawn into the discussion. Yes, he could put up something big enough for everything the girls would need to install, and soundproof it.

In O'Farrell street the Delmonico was one of the most famous of the French restaurants until the fire. It was several stories high, and each story contained private rooms. Carriages drove directly into the building from the street and the occupants went by elevator to soundproof rooms above, where they were served by discreet waiters.

In a broken rocking-chair, fanning herself with a box-top, sat Mrs. Snawdor, indulging herself in a continuous stream of conversation and apparently undisturbed by the uproar around her. Mrs. Snawdor was not sensitive to discord. As a necessary adjustment to their environment, her nerves had become soundproof. "You certainly missed it by not being here!" she was saying to Mr. Snawdor.

Meet me at Long's." He left the building and walked rapidly to a well-known bar where estimable citizens, even when impervious to the seductions of cocktail and highball, often met in private soundproof rooms to discuss momentous deals, or invoke the aid of detectives whose appearance in home or office might cause the wary bird to fly away.

"It wouldn't matter about the soundproof booth," Scotty chimed in, "because radio will go right through the walls!" Hartson Brant held both hands to his head in mock horror. "To think that my only son should turn out to be a halfway criminal genius!" Rick glanced up at his father suspiciously. "Halfway?"