United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Hadley would be waiting for some news. The plane was twenty yards away and almost at the same time Eyer and Jeter saw something queer about it. At first it was hard to say just what it was. They rushed on. They were within ten yards of the plane when a wail of anguish was born and died in two soundproof helmets.

As I have told your father, I came here to put all my cards on the table; but I expect the Swift Construction Company to take anything I may say as said in confidence." "We quite understand that, Mr. Bartholomew," said the elder Swift, softly. "You can speak freely. Whether we do business or not, these walls are soundproof, and Tom and I can forget, or remember, as we wish.

But even if they had time to look it up, which they didn't, the contestant couldn't hear them in a soundproof booth. Or could they get a message to him if they were part of the studio audience? Or was there some other way? It was typical of Rick, when faced with an apparently insoluble problem, to look for an answer. The miner finally remembered, and the three breathed a mutual sigh of relief.

"No one can hear. These walls are soundproof!" Elaine shrank back. "Now, doc.," he added harshly to Dr. Morton. "It was she who shot him. Her blood must save him." Dr. Morton recoiled at the thought of torturing the beautiful young girl before him. "Are you willing to have your blood transfused?" he parleyed. "No no no!" she cried in horror, Dr. Morton turned to the desperate criminal.

The manager of the hotel, drawn to the Martian Room by the uproar, offered a hallway connecting the kitchens with the refrigerator rooms; it was fifty meters long by five in width, was well-lighted and soundproof, and had a bay in which the seconds and other could stand during the firing. They repaired thither in a body, Klarnood gathering up several hotel servants on the way through the kitchen.

"Well, what are we going to do for water?" the Navy engineer asked. "Soundproof the pump house. You can do that, can't you?" "Sure. Mound it over with earth. We'll have that done in a few hours." That started Gofredo worrying. "This happens every time we colonize an inhabited planet. We give the natives something new. Then we find out it's bad for them, and we try to take it away from them.

In four separate soundproof cubicles in a small office in the Administration Building on Roald, the three space cadets and Jeff Marshall racked their brains to remember simple equations and formulas, knowledge learned years ago but long-since forgotten, for the more complicated subjects of space, time, and rocket travel.

Of course if we take up any work for you, we must confide to a certain extent in our close associates and trusted mechanics." "Humph!" grunted the visitor, turning restlessly again in his chair. Then he said: "I agree as the necessity of that last statement; but I can only hope that these walls are soundproof." "What's that?" demanded Tom, rather sharply.

Howard came regularly with subtly sustaining and nutritive fluids, and light and pleasant foods, quite strange to Graham. He always closed the door carefully as he entered. On matters of detail he was increasingly obliging, but the bearing of Graham on the great issues that were evidently being contested so closely beyond the soundproof walls that enclosed him, he would not elucidate.

Mike's apartment was reasonably soundproof, but it wasn't built to take the kind of explosion that would shake the door that Mike the Angel had just closed. It was a two-inch-thick slab of armor steel on heavy, precision-bearing hinges. So was every other door in the suite. It wasn't quite a bank-vault door, but it would do. Any explosion that could shake it was a real doozy.