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"And the Lord knaws I'd goa wi you myself, sir" said the fine-featured old man, a touch of trouble in his blue eyes "for I feel soomhow as though there were a bit o' my fault in it. But we've had a heavy job on t' fells awready, an I should be noa good to you."

I've heerd my grandmither say it worn't worth a Christian man's while to live in Needham Farm when Jenny Crum wor about. She meddled wi everythin wi his lambs, an his coos, an his childer. I niver seed nothin mysel, so I doan't say nowt not o' my awn knowledge. But I doan't soomhow bleeve as it's th' Awmighty's will to freeten a Christian coontry wi witches, i' th' present dispensation.

'Weel, I'd be even wi yo soomhow, was her final conclusion; and disappearing through the ruined doorway, she ran down the slope to where one of the great mill-stones lay hidden in the heather, and diving into its central hole, produced the book, keenly watched the while by David, who took mental note of the hiding-place.

Mony a year afterwards t' foak round here ud talk o' that for an April frost. An my poor 'Lias lost on that fearfu Scout sleepin out wi'out a rag to cover him, an skeert soomhow t'Lord or t'Devil knows how! And then foak ud have me mak a good tale out o' it soomthin to gie 'em a ticklin down their backbane soomthin to pass an evenin Lord!

And when the young forester had taken his departure, Mrs. Halsey stroked the red flannel round her swollen neck complacently. "I 'ad to pike 'im out soomhow. It's 'igh time she wor put to bed!" That same evening, Ellesborough left the Ralstone camp behind him about six o'clock, and hurried through the late October evening towards Great End Farm.

He got hold on him in the park one evening Teddy was drawing a picture of the bridge, you understand 'ticed him up to his place soomhow an Teddy was set to a job of paintin up at the chapel before you could say Jack Robinson. An in six months they'd settled it between 'em. Teddy wouldn't go to school no more.

If he'd yeerd yo just now but, by t' Lord's blessin, he did na he'd ha worked himsel up fearfu'! I'd ha had naw sleep wi him for neets like it wor i' th' spring. Yo munna yo munna! He's all I ha his livin 's my livin, Davy an when he's took away why, I'll mak shift soomhow to dee too!

It's a place yo do get to favour soomhow, said the good woman, apologetically, as though feeling that no stranger could justly be expected to sympathise with the excesses of local patriotism. Did th' oother sisters write books? demanded David, his eyes wandering over the bare stone house towards which the passionate heart of Charlotte Bronte had yearned so often from the land of exile.

'He do feature yan o' my own lads so as he lies theer, she said tremulously to her friend at the fire, as though explaining herself. 'When they'd coom home late fro wark, I'd use to hull 'em up so mony a time. Ay, I'd been woonderin what had coom to th' boy. I thowt he'd been goin wrang soomhow, or he'd ha coom aw these weeks to see 'Lias an me. It's a poor sort o' family he's got.

But she wrote bukes tales, yo know tales about t' foak roun here; an they do say, them as has read 'em, 'at they're terr'ble good. Mr. Watson, at t' Post Office, he's read 'em, and he's allus promised to lend 'em me. But soomhow I doan't get th' time. An in gineral I've naw moor use for a book nor a coo has for clogs.