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Madame Perrègaux. Beaux and Belles of Paris. I forgot, in my last chapter, to mention that I paid for my place, and luggage in the diligence, from Rouen to Paris, a distance of ninety miles, twenty-three livres and eighteen sols.

"We have close to a thousand tons on the shipping floor or out of danger here and on the way in, and it looks as though you'll be able to save that much more. That'll be a million and a half sols we can be sure of, and a possible three million, at the new price. And I want to take this occasion, on behalf of my company and of Terra-Odin Spacelines, to welcome a new freight shipper."

I just want him out of the Co-operative, and if he runs out from it now, he'll never get back in." "You want him, and you want him alive," Bish Ware said. "Ravick has close to four million sols banked on Terra. Every millisol of that's money he's stolen from the monster-hunters of this planet, through the Co-operative.

These people are maintained at the expence of the king, who allows them soldier's pay, that is five sols, or two-pence halfpenny a day; or rather three sols and ammunition bread. How the soldiers contrive to subsist upon this wretched allowance, I cannot comprehend: but, it must be owned, that those invalids who do duty at Boulogne betray no marks of want.

He sniffed, rubbed his nose with a forefinger, laboriously wrote for a moment, and then added: Ditto to Madame Denise Gareau for turnips for supper after obs'quies ...................... 10 sols "Saperlote, leave out the Madame, calf-lugs , you!" The apprentice did not move a finger. Obstinacy sat enthroned on him. In a rage, the Master made a snatch at a metal flower-wreath to throw at him.

The old lady observed that he had been too severe: her daughter-in-law, who was very pretty, said her brother had given him too much reason; hinting, at the same time, that he was addicted to some terrible vices; upon which several individuals repeated the interjection, ah! ah! "Fifty sols! L y ah! vive la jeunesse!"

Well, at the price Belsher and Ravick were going to cut from, that would run a little short of a hundred and fifty thousand sols for a year. If you say it quick enough and don't think, that sounds like big money, but the upkeep and supplies for a hunter-ship are big money, too, and what's left after that's paid off is divided, on a graduated scale, among ten to fifteen men, from the captain down.

"Ten Savoy sols a day. But now I live like a princess, as you shall see at supper, for though this worthy woman knows the money you gave her is for herself she lavishes it on me." "She knows, dear sister, that such is my intention, and here is some more to go on with." So saying I took another ten louis from my purse, and bade the country-woman spare nothing for the invalid's comfort.

I swear to you that 'twas Monsieur the Cardinal d'Angers and not I, who was guilty of treason." "The mason is bold!" said the king. "Continue, Olivier." Olivier continued, "To a joiner for window frames, bedstead, hollow stool, and other things, twenty livres, two sols parisis." The voice also continued. "Alas, sire! will you not listen to me?

This was a very good beginning, and might have led to something worth having; but when we told the worthy abbe of our success, he got into a rage, saying that he was not the man to say mass for twelve sols, nor to toady the archbishop in the hope of being taken into his service. No, he was not going to be in anyone's service.