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This amazing epistle, which is virtually an invitation to the French people to re- pudiate, as their national ensign, that immortal tricolor, the flag of the Revolution and the Empire, under which they have, won the glory which of all glories has hitherto been dearest to them, and which is as- sociated with the most romantic, the most heroic, the epic, the consolatory, period of their history, this luckless manifesto, I say, appears to give the measure of the political wisdom of the excellent Henry V. It is the most factitious proposal ever addressed to an eminently ironical nation.

"Tell Mapleson's pickin' up sence he's got the post-office up in the 'Last Chance'; put that doggery out'n his sullar, had in wall paper now, an' drugs an' seeds, an' nobody was right sure where he got his funds to stock up, so they was some sort of story goin' about a half-breed named Pahusky when I first come here, bein' 'sociated with Mapleson Cam Gentry's same old Cam, squintin' round an' jolly as ever.

"You think her a lady, then?" he questioned, giving thoughtless utterance to his own imagination. "'Deed I does!" the thick voice somewhat indignant. "I reck'n I knows de real quality when I sees it. I'se 'sociated wid quality white folks befo'." "But, Neb, she's a singer in dance halls." "I don't believe it, Massa Jack." "Well, I wouldn't if I could help it.

When it come along fall, I was doin' well enough so 't she could give up bus'nis, an' I hired a house an' we set up housekeepin'. It was really more on my account than her'n, fer I got to kind o' feelin' that when the meat was tough or the pie wa'n't done on the bottom that I was 'sociated with it, an' gen'ally I wanted a place of my own.

There was something in this boy, young outlaw though he was, that moved her powerfully, and even fascinated her, though she hardly realized it. It was something more than a feeling of compassion for a wayward and misguided youth. "I could if I was rich like you, and lived in a nice house, and 'sociated with swells. If you had a father like mine " "Is he a bad man?"

Scientific experimenter of some kind, I believe. Very exclusive," added Mr. Curtis Fleming, with a grin. "Never sociated with any of us neighbors. Rent on the nail, though. Insane, too, I think. Writes letters to himself with nothing in them." "How's that?" inquired Average Jones. The other took an envelope from his pocket and handed it over.

"That's the best you can do. Pretty set for a man to be 'sociated with." He bent over his hand; his locks fell about his face; and he rocked to and fro like a weeping woman. The sound of angry voices brought others trooping round the Head. Some slopped along in the water, others trailed along the edge. The eyes of all were down, hunting for prey.