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He took the field against a new horde of rebels called the Ribbungs, but he took care never to press them too closely, and they long gave the king trouble. For more than twenty years Skule thus continued to plot and plan, the king discovering his schemes and pardoning him more than once, but nothing could cure him of his ambitious dream.

When you sit amid the household at the merry feast, you draw cloak and hood over all your thoughts; when one is alone with you, sometimes you seem to be of those among whom one were fain to choose his friend. How comes it? Jatgeir When you go to swim in the river, my lord, you would scarce strip you where the people pass by to church: you seek a sheltered privacy. King Skule True, true.

We set out in this story to tell how the child Haakon passed through all the perils that surrounded him and grew up to become Norway's king. Here then we should end, but for years new perils surrounded him and of these it is well to speak. They were due to the ambitious Earl Skule, who made plot after plot against the king's life, and was forgiven again and again by the noble-minded monarch.

But when they took to dipping them in mucilage he made a complaint to the Board of Directors. "Young man," said the Chairman, "ef you don't like our ways, you'd better sling your blankets and git. Prentice Mulford tort skule yer for more'n six months, and he never said a word agin the wads." Mr. Grile briefly explained that Mr.

Earl Skule now felt sure of succeeding, not dreaming that the ordeal could be gone through without burning, but to make more sure, he bribed a man to approach Inga and offer her an herb which he said would heal burns. The plot was discovered by the faithful Birchlegs and Inga warned of it; for to use such herbs would make the test invalid and subject Inga and her son to opprobrium.

King Skule Have you at all times full faith that you are a skald? King Skule Yes, once burningly, blissfully, and in sin. Jatgeir You have a wife. King Skule Her I took to bear me sons. Jatgeir But you have a daughter, my lord a gracious and noble daughter. Give me counsel, Jatgeir Skald! Jatgeir Buy yourself a dog, my lord. King Skule Would no man suffice?

Håkon and Skule are pretenders to the same throne, scions of royalty out of whom a king may be made.

While Hollis was removing the saddle from his pony Norton rose from his chair and smiled at Potter. "Well," he said to the latter, "I'm goin' to bed." He moved a few steps toward the door and then turned and looked back at Potter, who had also risen. He laughed. "Listen, Potter," he said. Then he quoted: "Woman she don't need no tooter Be she skule ma'am or biscuit shooter."

Hakon Hakonsson lies off Elgjarness with all his fleet! King Skule Off Elgjarness! Then he is close at hand. Jatgeir Get we to arms then! If there be bloodshed to-night, I will gladly be the first to die for you! King Skule You, who would not live for me!

None could believe it. I said, "Weel, just you see if I am at the skule the morn!" Next morning we went by rail to Glasgow and thence joyfully sailed away from beloved Scotland, flying to our fortunes on the wings of the winds, care-free as thistle seeds. We could not then know what we were leaving, what we were to encounter in the New World, nor what our gains were likely to be.