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"But what can they do?" I asked, in little more than a whisper. "They're trying the new ambersine treatment, and later on, I suppose, they can rely on skin-grafting and facial surgery," Peter explained to me. "Is it that bad?" I asked, sitting down in one of the empty chairs, for the mere effort to vision any such disfigurement had brought a Channel-crossing and Calais-packet feeling to me.

Six weeks after the injury suppuration was still free, and skin-grafting was commenced. In all, 4800 grafts were used, the patient supplying at different times 1800 small grafts. Her own skin invariably did better than foreign grafts. In ten months she had almost completely recovered, and sight and hearing had returned.

Dundee, that she would beg you not to try to force Lydia's confidence on this subject. Nita was devoted to Lydia we can all testify to that! and one of the sweetest things about her was her constant effort to protect Lydia from questions and curious glances. I, for one, know that Nita often begged Lydia to submit to a skin-grafting operation, regardless of expense "

Should the raw surface left be likely to result in an unsightly scar or in cicatricial contraction, skin-grafting should be employed. For extensive ulcers on the limbs, the chest wall, or on other covered parts, or when operative treatment is contra-indicated, the use of tuberculin and exposure to the Röntgen rays have proved beneficial.

All moist or greasy applications, such as Carron oil, carbolic oil and ointments, and all substances like collodion and dry powders, which retain discharges, entirely fail to meet the indications for the rational treatment of burns, and should be abandoned. Skin-grafting is of great value in hastening healing after extensive burns, and in preventing cicatricial contraction.

In abscesses treated by the open method, when the cavity has become lined with healthy granulations, it may be closed by secondary suture, or, if the granulating surface is flush with the skin, healing may be hastened by skin-grafting.

The phagedænic ulcer calls for more energetic means of disinfection; the whole of the affected surface is touched with the actual cautery at a white heat, or is painted with pure carbolic acid. Relays of charcoal poultices are then applied until the spread of the disease is arrested. For the irritable ulcer the most satisfactory treatment is complete excision and subsequent skin-grafting.

Thiersch therefore recommends that for the prevention of cicatricial contraction, the grafting be performed with large strips of skin. Harte gives illustrations of a case of extensive skin-grafting on the thigh from six inches above the great trochanter well over the median line anteriorly and over the buttock.

"That's Peterson," whispered the senior, "the big, bald man in the front row. He's the skin-grafting man, you know. And that's Anthony Browne, who took a larynx out successfully last winter. And there's Murphy, the pathologist, and Stoddart, the eye-man. You'll come to know them all soon." "Who are the two men at the table?" "Nobody dressers.

In this way, skin from the chest may be brought up to form a new forehead and eyelids. Grafts of mucous membrane are used to cover defects in the lip, cheek, and conjunctiva. The technique is similar to that employed in skin-grafting; the sources of mucous membrane are limited and the element of septic infection cannot always be excluded. Fat.