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The wound extended across the forehead above the eyebrows, but the ears were untouched. Skin-grafting was tried in this case but with no result, and the woman afterward lost an eye by exposure, from retraction of the eyelid. In some cases extensive wounds of the scalp heal without artificial aid by simply cicatrizing over.

Leale remarks that as common warts of the skin are collections of vascular papillae, admitting of separation without injury to their exceptionally thick layer of epidermis, they are probably better for the purposes of skin-grafting than ordinary skin of less vitality or vascularity.

The same authority also quotes Wilson and Way of Bristol, Conn., in an account of a complete avulsion of the scalp, together with tearing of the eyelid and ear. The result of the skin-grafting was not given. Powell of Chicago gives an account of a girl of nineteen who lost her scalp while working in the Elgin Watch Factory at Elgin, Illinois.

Skin-grafting is a subject which has long been more or less familiar to medical men, but which has only recently been developed to a practically successful operation. The older surgeons knew that it was possible to reunite a resected nose or an amputated finger, and in Hunter's time tooth-replantation was quite well known.

In the severest forms of scalp-injuries, such as avulsion of the scalp from the entangling of the hair in machinery, skin-grafting or replantation is of particular value. Ashhurst reports a case which he considers the severest case of scalp-wound that he had ever seen, followed by recovery.

You will find vast mats of these leathery little Polypodys growing with rock-selaginella on the great boulders of the river woods. As these are to be split up for masonry, the experiment of transferring the polypody is no sin, though it savours somewhat of the process of skin-grafting. Evan and I have tried the experiment successfully, so that it is no fable.

The crow dragged the rat along, and the two did not seem to care to part company. Relative to skin-grafting proper, Bartens succeeded in grafting the skin of a dead man of seventy on a boy of fourteen. Symonds reports cases of skin-grafting of large flaps from amputated limbs, and says this method is particularly available in large hospitals where they have amputations and grafts on the same day.

One of the temporal arteries was ligated, and the scalp cleansed and reapplied. The hanging ears and the skin of the forehead were successfully restored to their proper position. The patient had no bad symptoms and little pain, and the shock was slight. Where the periosteum had sloughed the bone was granulating, and at the time of the report skin-grafting was shortly to be tried.

#Methods of Skin-Grafting.# Two methods are employed: one in which the epidermis is mainly or exclusively employed epidermis or epithelial grafting; the other, in which the graft consists of the whole thickness of the true skin cutis-grafting. Epidermis or Epithelial Grafting. The method introduced by the late Professor Thiersch of Leipsic is that almost universally practised.

Confidentially and on the side he has been dressing his heel, which in spite of all keeps on freezing, and is in very bad shape. His kamiks stick to the loose flesh and the skin will not form. All of the frost has been taken out, but I think skin-grafting is the only thing that will cure it.