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More 'special I wished some of the folks from home had been there, for the whole business was supposed to happen on the Cape, and they'd have realized how ignorant we are about the place we live in. The hero was a strappin' six-footer, sort of a combination fisherman and parson, seemed so.

He was a black-bearded, scrawling six-footer, with a voice like a steam siren and a fist like a sledge. He carried two revolvers, spoke of the Russians at Point Barrow as the "Boomskys," and boasted if it came to that he'd engage to account for two of them, would shove their heads into their boot-legs and give them the running scrag, by God so he would!

He is the sort of man that the Russian Government invariably picks out for its representation at such important points in Asia as Asterabad. A six-footer of magnificent physique, with a smooth and polished address, all smiles and politeness, the Russian consul wears a leonine mustache that could easily be tied in a knot at the back of his head.

I don't mind you telling your young man, whoever he is; and I'd like him to be a strapping young six-footer I've got in my eye, who farms. What does he farm with to make farming answer now-a-days? Why, he farms with brains. You'll find that in my last week's Journal, brother William John, and thinks I, as I conned it the farmer ought to read that!

"See anything yet?" said my uncle, as he helped Cross to push the boat along, pulling the boughs aside, which forced him to lower the sail and unship the mast. "No, uncle; the boughs are too thick yes yes, I can see a monkey hanging by his tail." "A six-footer? Bring him down, then. We must have his skin." "Six-footer? No!" I said. "It's about as big as a fat baby." "I thought so," said my uncle.

The swerve had the effect of overturning the cariole gently, and emptying its contents at our feet, and out from the mass of wraps and furs there arose not a red-headed six-footer, but a young and sprightly girl, with clear dark complexion, a neat, rounded little figure, and a pair of magnificent black eyes, which, at the moment, were opened to their utmost with an expression of intense amazement.

It was nerve wracking. And the company never came! They got as far as the third floor and gave out. But it was not until afternoon that we knew definitely that our agony was for naught. Lucia's machine got out of ordersteam escaped at a fearful rate. While the mechanic was fixing it he discoursed to me on the laundry. He had been there nine monthsbig, capable-looking six-footer.

Presently, when he found his speech, he asked in awed tones: "Who are you? What's your name?" "What business is it of yours?" snapped Handsome, with some show of irritation. "Have you any food or whiskey? We're starving." The valet made no answer, but just stared in astonished silence at the big six-footer who towered above him.

"Till his term's out!" Asher repeated with a smile. "Wouldn't that six-footer of a soldier boy, whose patriotism burns like a furnace, see the joke to that! Till he gets his stripes off and forgets the lock-step! My Thaine, who is giving a young man's strength of body and inspiration of soul to his country's service! But Carey did do a missionary work in Champers.

"It's time," replied the voice, and its owner a bearded six-footer emerged from the bushes, and stroked Tipsie's nose with the freedom of an old acquaintance. "We hain't had a nip sence last night, an' thar' ain't a cracker or a handful of flour in the shanty. The old gal go back on yer?" "Yes," replied the colonel, ruefully lost ev'ry blasted race.