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This man was about forty-five years old, but very short for his age, being only a little over five feet in height. The other men used to say that Little Jim was not made right, for while his body was big enough for a six-footer, his legs were very short, and the fact that he was rather inclined to be fat added to the oddity of his appearance.

His promotion to a commission had been earned. Shirley had entered the service as an enthusiastic youth. In a few brief years he had grown to a serious-minded man. A six-footer, deep-chested, broad of shoulders, he had the physical ability to enforce the decrees and orders of his superiors while the general terms of boundaries were being formulated.

Dicky Donovan was of that rare type of man who has the keenest desire to know all things, good or evil, though he was fastidious when it came to doing them. He had a gift of keeping his own commandments. If he had been a six-footer and riding eighteen stone if he hadn't been, as Fielding often said, so "damned finicky," he might easily have come a cropper.

It was necessarily "low studded," being only five feet from floor to ceiling, which was rather trying to the perpendicularity of a six-footer. But it was a very comfortable cabin for all that, though tall men were compelled to be humble within its low limits.

"I should like to be as big as you." "No, no, don't," cried Little John. "You go on growing till you're a six-footer, and then you stop. All that grows after that's waste o' good stuff, and gets in your way. Big uns like me are always knocking their heads against something." "But how am I to know when I'm six feet high?" said Robin. "Oh! I'll tell you, I'll keep measuring you, my lad."

"Macnab!" cried Lumley, with blazing eyes, "I'd know his figure at twenty miles off. I say, Max, the runaway cariole must certainly contain the sister the carroty-haired Jessie! Hurrah! We must stop it, my boy, else the dogs will run slap into the fort, and dash the fair six-footer against one o' the houses. Look out, man!" But Lumley was wrong.

I naturally acquiesced, and in a moment we sat at one of the small tables in the combination reading-room and café of the hotel. "Queer place, this," said Holmes, gazing about him at the motley company of guests. "It is the gathering place of the noted and the notorious. That handsome six-footer, who has just left the room, is the Reverend Dr.

George V. Schramm, a young medical graduate, said: "As I was passing down Market Street with a new-found friend, an automobile came rushing along with two soldiers in it. My doctor's badge protected me, but the soldiers invited my companion, a husky six-footer, to get into the automobile. He said: "'I don't want to ride, and have plenty of business to attend to.

Let us have a moment's conversation with the orderly sergeant, who will have the immediate care of the prisoners." "There he stands," the captain replied, pointing to a six-footer, who was ironing the men, and who was waiting to handcuff Fred. The captain smiled to see the eagerness with which I rushed towards the man, and then very wisely turned his back upon us.

Mary felt that she had truly passed her commercial novitiate; she made herself admit that a commercial life was hers for all time. She would leave a forbidden world of romance, watching Luke become a six-footer and an embryo inventor as her special pride and pleasure. It was good to have it settled, to have it a scar, pale and calm, throbbing only under extreme pressure.