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The 'sinews of war, you know, Boris!" "Money money! That is always the danger with you, Rita. I believe you would sell your soul for money. I believe " He paused, then in a low, sinister voice he said slowly: "Sometimes I believe that you would sell us!" Mrs. Vandemeyer smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "The price, at any rate, would have to be enormous," she said lightly.

Have I shaken you, sir? or do you fear, for your boy's young sinews and joints, the engines which, in your case, you seem willing to defy?"

There was joy that evening among the Collection of Antiquities. They talked over the young Count's success. So discreet were they with regard to Mme. de Maufrigneuse, that the one man who heard the secret was the Chevalier. There was no financial postscript at the end of the letter, no unpleasant reference to the sinews of war, which every young man makes in such a case. Mlle.

It was a stone ax; an ax heavier than any battle-ax of mediaeval times, its haft a scant three feet in length, inclosing the ax through a split in the tough wood, all being held in place by a taut and hardened mass of knotted sinews. It was a fearful weapon, but one only to be wielded by such a man as this, one with arms almost as mighty as those of the gorilla.

"My lord, in the North, as thou knowest, we recognize men by their forms, not faces, as in truth we ought, seeing that it is the sinews and bulk, not the lips and nose, that make a man a useful friend or dangerous foe." Montagu smiled at this soldierly simplicity. "And heard you the name the raptrils shouted?" "Robin, my lord. They cried out 'Robin, as if it had been a 'Montagu I or a 'Warwick."

As he still faltered, and was slow to believe her words, she added the following song: "Youth, fear not the converse of my bed. I change my bodily outline in twofold wise, and am wont to enjoin a double law upon my sinews.

In this respect the Conservatives are no better than the Liberals; and it is always possible that in a different way the Labour Party when It comes into power will be similarly inclined to reward those who have furnished the sinews of war.

It is not enough to fortify his soul; you are also to make his sinews strong; for the soul will be oppressed if not assisted by the members, and would have too hard a task to discharge two offices alone.

Instead of the tinkling of the cow-bells and the merry whistle of the farmer-boy as he calls his herd to the fold, might be heard the wild cry of the panther, the howl of the wolf, and the equally appalling yell of the aborigines. These were 'times to try men's souls'; and it was then the heart of oak and the sinews of iron which commanded respect.

From the hoofs they made a glue, which they used in fastening the heads and feathers on their arrows, and the sinew backs on their bows. The sinews which lie along the back and on the belly were used as thread and string, and as backing for bows to give them elasticity and strength.